Something you dont see every day (pics)

I cant believe there are so many people that dont like them . This car is £ for £ a fantastic piece of kit . Will show up a lot more expensive cars aswell and is extremly reliable .
panthro said:
you could have worded that a little nicer! :eek:

it looks like a car an asian would drive, no other way of putting that. my wife said the same when i said i was looking at 200sx's.

eidolon, thats a whole lotta mr2s :p

skywalker, for what the car is i appreciate it, but in looks, its a bland car. but then thats a good quality sometimes :]
Well I certainly WOULD have noticed it :p

I've always been a fan of Honda's (Sort of ties in with my Rover fanaticism!) and to see a lineup of even just six of what are clearly not just bland cars, I'd definitely take a picture!
PMKeates said:
Well I certainly WOULD have noticed it :p

I've always been a fan of Honda's (Sort of ties in with my Rover fanaticism!) and to see a lineup of even just six of what are clearly not just bland cars, I'd definitely take a picture!

The red one on the far left is mine by the way :p
Clarkey said:
I take your 6 accords and raise you 50 300zx's ;)


The 50 strong convoy even picked up a police escort lol :D

I count 15, tops.
eidolon said:
I take your 50 300zx's and raise you 1033 MR2's

"Don't worry, Love...I just parked it over here...Bugger."

I can just imagine lots of confused-looking hairdressers walking around, clicking their alarm fobs and looking to see which lights flash.

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