Son banned from Overwatch competitive play AGAIN



11 Jul 2007
It's how said bug is abused though. Blizzard are usually VERY quick at hotfixing exploits such as this.

Take WoW for example, Mythic Trial of Valor. Last boss, Helya. There's a mechanic where the boss does a breath down the middle of the raid which you need to dodge. A US raiding guild found that if the Main Tank dies during this breath, said breath would stop happening so you could cheese the rest of the fight. For info this breath is a main mechanic of the fight as it spawns add's when the cast is complete, you MUST kill these adds or it wipes the entire raid.

The guild did this and became the 1st guild in the US to kill this boss. Technically this was the world's first kill as the raid wasn't available to EU at the time.

Blizzard found out and issued 8 day bans for all the players involved.

No difference with the Mei glitch imo. It's using an exploit for a personal/competitive advantage and rightly so they should ban players doing this.

For the record, I doubt OP's son managed to do this. I'm fairly certain it'll be from leaving games early (bedtime etc.) or for playing competitive matches and picking the wrong hero.
27 Aug 2012
Just seen the Mei glitch as I don't play myself and honestly if that is a ban reason they are very harsh. They designed a game that has a bug where possibly someone who is 11 has used to survive maybe not realising it is not intended and seen another player do it.

Well it's a 12 rating so they shouldn't really be playing should they? ;)

Seriously though, it's pretty hard to justify it as something people might see as intended. Being able to kill your enemies (with your one snowball or once your ult builds up) while they are unable to hit you is not something that would be considered legit in any game. It was a pretty childish and selfish thing to do though. It doesn't secure a win for your team if the enemies just stay away, so it wasn't even to just win, the only reason is to troll others.

The only options people had were to either leave, wait until the glitchers ult charges and get killed, or wait until the round ends. If they do that every round then that's a lot of wasted time. Subjecting others to your arsery just so you can show how cool you are by being able to perform a glitch that anyone could pick up in 2-3 minutes. Even worse it was during a holiday event so people were trying to get through games quickly to earn loot boxes.

I don't think a ban is unreasonable in this situation, but that isn't the only option. Forcing 11 other players to waste their time just for your kicks isn't really in line with the holiday spirit, maybe Blizzard should respond in kind? Having all of their limited holiday skins removed for being Scrooge's would be a brilliant punishment! I would love to see the meltdowns that would follow.
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
If I'd have known this I wouldn't have paid for the game. I can't stand that I have to play how someone else wants me to. If I want to spend a couple of games trying to ricochet arrows into people, however pointless, that's what I'm doing.

Guess it'll be back to tf2.
17 Jun 2012
South Wales
If I'd have known this I wouldn't have paid for the game. I can't stand that I have to play how someone else wants me to. If I want to spend a couple of games trying to ricochet arrows into people, however pointless, that's what I'm doing.

Guess it'll be back to tf2.

You can but just not competitive. It's a bit unfair on the 11 other people who are there to play to win then the one guy who just wants to **** about.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
If I'd have known this I wouldn't have paid for the game. I can't stand that I have to play how someone else wants me to. If I want to spend a couple of games trying to ricochet arrows into people, however pointless, that's what I'm doing.

A lot of people in this thread don't seem to understand the difference between Comp and Quick Play. As Mike says, join Quick Play, do whatever you want there. Once you've got good at something and know you can play it well, head to Comp, but only really once you've got good at a few characters, giving you options within your team.
18 Oct 2012
Well it's a 12 rating so they shouldn't really be playing should they? ;)

Seriously though, it's pretty hard to justify it as something people might see as intended. Being able to kill your enemies (with your one snowball or once your ult builds up) while they are unable to hit you is not something that would be considered legit in any game. It was a pretty childish and selfish thing to do though. It doesn't secure a win for your team if the enemies just stay away, so it wasn't even to just win, the only reason is to troll others.

The only options people had were to either leave, wait until the glitchers ult charges and get killed, or wait until the round ends. If they do that every round then that's a lot of wasted time. Subjecting others to your arsery just so you can show how cool you are by being able to perform a glitch that anyone could pick up in 2-3 minutes. Even worse it was during a holiday event so people were trying to get through games quickly to earn loot boxes.

I don't think a ban is unreasonable in this situation, but that isn't the only option. Forcing 11 other players to waste their time just for your kicks isn't really in line with the holiday spirit, maybe Blizzard should respond in kind? Having all of their limited holiday skins removed for being Scrooge's would be a brilliant punishment! I would love to see the meltdowns that would follow.

Haha yeah I know the first bit but each to own on parenting ;)

In that regards though we are adults and we know the game mechanics and understand what is what. Try explaining to a minor that it isn't a defensive tactic to do it and it's cheating is sometimes difficult.

If the boy here for instanced used it once not knowing and then everyone reported he would get a ban however I feel that the problem is there is no context to this for the ban imo.
18 Nov 2011
Haha yeah I know the first bit but each to own on parenting ;)

While the original rating systems were not government backed it is illegal to SELL a game with a 12 rating to anyone under that age. I guess that kind of means they shouldn't be playing it so I do not really see how it is an each to their own.

While I appreciate the direct consequences and dangers are different would you let your child drive a car know each to their own? What about drink because you know..each to their own? What about watching porn? 18 films?

I am not saying I would not be doing the same but using that as an argument it a tad backwards.
18 Oct 2012
While the original rating systems were not government backed it is illegal to SELL a game with a 12 rating to anyone under that age. I guess that kind of means they shouldn't be playing it so I do not really see how it is an each to their own.

While I appreciate the direct consequences and dangers are different would you let your child drive a car know each to their own? What about drink because you know..each to their own? What about watching porn? 18 films?

I am not saying I would not be doing the same but using that as an argument it a tad backwards.

Not exactly. If sold in a shop the UK requires a PEGI rating printed on it. Digitally they are not required at all legally speaking. Steam adds them out of choice if they exist.

It is also illegal to supply the game as reward or business at 12,16,18 however 3 & 7 are not legally enforced.

These terms mean that it is not illegal for a parent or third party to purchase a game for a child who is under the stated age. They also don’t apply to downloadable apps and games.

So yeah that means there is nothing to do with the rating to not playing really.

Also Overwatch is 12+ is because you are effectively killing characters. If those happened to be more human based rather than mythical and cyborg etc then it would be automatic 16+ just for that regardless of the rest of the content. It is why Spiderman is 16+ to play.

And why Ben 10 (a child show for 3+) is rated at 12+ also to purchase but of course the children playing will all be younger, you telling me children 12+ are playing it?

In regards to driving, private land, my son drove his first car at 5, he also races motorcycles.

Regards to drinking at home with supervision he is allowed a small beer with a meal when we are all sitting together for occasions.

Certain films etc will depend. Now will they get to 18 to see those last two you mention. Hell no, I would expect when he reaches 12-13 to have watched and seen both to some degree because of the nature of the content. Watching movies online and being able to search and share between peers now means that you will never shade that away from them.

He is 7 now just give an idea for my son, he plays rainbow six siege at times. I don't have any issues with it.

So I will stand by that it is each to own (to an extent) that persons own is the views they have on the material and laws surrounding it.

Edit: to add to that my mother brought me Max Payne when I was 12 because she felt I was old enough to understand the context. It was one of the best games I ever played story wise and I really enjoyed the game mechanics. And that back then was rated Mature 17+ with blood, gore, intense violence, partial nudity, strong language, sexual content, use of drugs and alcohol.

I also lived opposite a pub as a child to which my primary school was next too. Sometimes on the weekends we would go across the road and have half a pint of ale in the pub when I was around 8-9 years old.

In context, I am 28 now, run my own architect company and own my own house living with my family so would say that although there are ratings and suggestions just because my parents made their own choice it does not appear to have negatively affected myself all that much.
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18 Oct 2012
And also means your child can legally purchase anything they want in terms of gaming online which makes a mockery of the system anyways as we move into a more digital world.

Now Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo still show the PEGI rating but it cannot be legally enforced and thus is more like a guideline.
22 Nov 2006
PEGI rating does not include online play since they can't control what other players say/do, it does have a disclaimer :D

Minecraft is 7+, but that's not going to stop someone building a giant gold penis in the middle of the map.

But yea, as for banning. Historically Blizzard don't tend to ban people without a good reason. They collect logs to look for anomalies and then do mass bans every few months.
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17 Jun 2008
They can (and will) ban people from comp if you're not playing as a teammate i.e. if he picks Hanzo, refuses to switch despite his team asking him to and his team report him for not being a team player. It has happened before, I've seen it on the OW forums. This isn't necessarily the reason, however given he's only banned from comp it'll either be that he's leaving games or being reported. Are you sure he's not leaving games between rounds thinking the game is finished?

That is gross... I mean if they are trolling like shooting the floor, jumping off the map or spamming chat then fair enough. But not choosing a role that fits a meta and getting banned is just urg...
18 Oct 2012
PEGI rating does not include online play since they can't control what other players say/do, it does have a disclaimer :D

Minecraft is 7+, but that's not going to stop someone building a giant gold penis in the middle of the map.

But yea, as for banning. Historically Blizzard don't tend to ban people without a good reason. They collect logs to look for anomalies and then do mass bans every few months.

Well it has a 12+ PEGI rating and it is all online so technically it does have one.
13 Mar 2012
Tampere Finland
In don't agree with this meta crap at all. If a "pro" goes against it and does OK to well he's a god, if we mere mortals do it we are left with offensive toxic trash talk, even if we go on to get MVP.

Joke, screw the meta. But play with your head too
21 May 2013
The "playing my own way" complaints make me chuckle a bit. You give up certain privileges when taking part in a team game as part of basic decency. Spoiling a game for 11 other players is pretty selfish really.

Imagine a kid playing in a sunday football league. Now imagine said kid is continually booting the ball back to his goalie at every opportunity. Would you be surprised when the other players get annoyed with it? Would the "I'm playing my way and I'm having fun" argument stand up?
27 May 2007
The "playing my own way" complaints make me chuckle a bit. You give up certain privileges when taking part in a team game as part of basic decency. Spoiling a game for 11 other players is pretty selfish really.

Imagine a kid playing in a sunday football league. Now imagine said kid is continually booting the ball back to his goalie at every opportunity. Would you be surprised when the other players get annoyed with it? Would the "I'm playing my way and I'm having fun" argument stand up?

Not even close to the same, worrying that people think it might be.
21 Oct 2011
Am I reading this correctly? If some dick decides that he doesn't like the character you chose to play then said dick can report you for it which can lead to you being banned from a game that you paid money for?

That's just wrong. I'd be ******* livid if that happened to me.
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