Son got first job, fair rate for board

I paid "board" when i was a kid and never had a problem with it. I was getting £27.50 a week on a YTS and paid £10 board. The way i looked at it, i was earning some money so why shouldn't i contribute. If your kids are earning £1200 a month like the OP then why shouldn't they contribute?
It's not idealistic though, because it's effectively saying once a child hits a certain point in their life, you're done as a parent and you kick them out.

Haha what utter rubbish I told mine when they reach adult age pay rent ormove out and stand on your own two feet .
We couldn't be a closer family its got nothing to do with washing your hands of them its down to teaching them nothing in life comes free even if its a low percentage of there income im takeing.
By the way they are now 29/ 27 and 23 and they wont move more than amile away
from there parents as we have such a strong bond
Wow. This thread...

No wonder the country has sooooo many young people who expect everything to be given to them, when there are so many parents giving them everything.

Not my kids. As soon as they are making coin, they can pay up or get out.

As I said earlier though, I wouldn't be charging them a fortune, and I'd be saving it for them, albeit on the sly, but that would be the conditions of staying with me. And no bringing boys back. That's another one. No boys.

mainly because the bay boomer parents of these kids had an easy life and now the kids are having to pay for it.
Is the income the parents earning from charging their kids subject to tax? You can guarantee that none of these are declaring this extra "income".
Haha what utter rubbish I told mine when they reach adult age pay rent ormove out and stand on your own two feet .
We couldn't be a closer family its got nothing to do with washing your hands of them its down to teaching them nothing in life comes free even if its a low percentage of there income im takeing.
By the way they are now 29/ 27 and 23 and they wont move more than amile away
from there parents as we have such a strong bond

It's utter rubbish because your situation is different? Yeah, no. Don't take it personally, I'm not talking about you, and incidentally your example isn't the one I gave. So you have essentially responded to something I didn't say, and claimed it was "utter rubbish".

I wasn't commenting on "Pay rent or move out" I was commenting on "you're at this point in your life, get out".

Good job not understanding my post though, and instead feeling as if I was talking about you and getting all uppity about it.
Probberly not as they aren't earning anything if it goes to what the adult/kid uses and eats does it

I can understand for food and utility bills as a private Tennant would need to pay those anyway. But for those using the extra "income" to contribute to mortgage payments should be subject to tax, in the same way a landlord would. Because that's essentially what you've become.
I can understand for food and utility bills as a private Tennant would need to pay those anyway. But for those using the extra "income" to contribute to mortgage payments should be subject to tax, in the same way a landlord would. Because that's essentially what you've become.

its unlikely to ever be a problem - there was already a limit below which you can earn posted earlier... you could probably offset mortgage interest costs too... though really the payments are for food, bills etc.. that isn't taxable and anything left after that is likely under the limit
Even if it was legally taxable, there's no chance the majority of the population would declare it, and then pay the tax "due".

I think the morality side is what I'm raising here. It's perfectly acceptable for parents to take money from their own children, but then not declare the tax on it.
I was quite lucky, my rents only really had one condition get a job and stay in college. Given I quite liked working and studying it pretty much worked out well. I'd generally chip in as and when. Thankfully they didn't need my money, they just wanted to see I wasn't being a lay-about ** Fully star out any swearing **.

That said, if I had kids now (I'm getting old!) I'd either expect them to chip-in or show they were investing themselves appropriately.

In short, I think they had it right. Providing the dependant is mucking in thats fine. I'd raise an eyebrow if a parent was expecting a child to pay (when not required) on a meagre wage. That said, I hate paying my mortgage etc but I've no choice...

[edit] I think it's appropriate to make them buy food/toiletries and over-and-above electric. Personally I'd buy my own food anyway so I forgot about that.
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