Sony at it again - PS3 online problems

DaveyD said:
No, but they were the first in the console market to integrate all these features, which is a big thing as they were bringing the things we've had on our PCs easily for years, to the masses that don't have/want PCs to play games on.

Well since we have now eliminated most of that list, the only thing left is "Gamer Tags" :p

Yes MS Truly the pioneering force behind the home console market. ;)
Ol!ver said:
Wasn't having a go matey, just something that riles me :)

BTW, when I started this thread it wasn't to start more Sony Vs MS rubbish. I just think it's amazing the number of things that have gone wrong with the launch.

I remember when all the Sony guys were laughing at the MS shortages at launch and saying it was bad. Think I'd rather struggle to find one than it just not be here. :p

lol its cool

Oh i know, you are just posting the info.

Tell me about it, i am gutted the PS3 isnt coming out in Europe, but tbh i aint going throw my toys out the pram and say 'ohhh i aint buying it' or 'sony told me this they LIED' i dont really care if they lied, so long as what it says on the box when i buy it in a shop it does, its still going to be a fantastic console with cracking games, sod all this faux brand loyalty u know? I try all consoles cos i love games all machines will have some cracking titles and i am just glad i am fortunate enough to be able to afford both (need to remortgage to buy the PS3 though lol)
XPE said:
Yes MS Truly the pioneering force behind the home console market. ;)

lol they are not pioneers but that is not to discount what they have done, they have raised the bar, for better or worse, thats up to everyone to decide for themselves. IMO they have made console gaming better and i am glad they are pushing, it gets stale if there is no competition, i just wish Sony would put up a fight and grow a brain.
Ol!ver said:
BTW, when I started this thread it wasn't to start more Sony Vs MS rubbish. I just think it's amazing the number of things that have gone wrong with the launch.

It is amazing, from the bad E3 conferences up to the crapy amount of launch units, it seems Sony just doesn’t have the ability to stop fannying about and get the job done.

This really is because they are trying to launch a media player first and game console 2nd, that’s the problem with gambling all, you some times lose all.
Energize said:
Wow tony hawks 8 isn't going to be online Im sure the ps3 is doomed, it's such an A* game series that gamers love (not).

Actually the ps2 was the first console to offer dolby digital, progressive scan and high-def, it also supports voice com.
PS2 could not do DD on the fly like the Xbox could, only on movies and ingame set piece cutscenes and sound. As for the HiDef GT4, that's one of the very very few games out there that actually could do it.

Was the voice com on the PS2 implemented after Xbox Live was introduced though? I can't remember.
DaveyD said:
PS2 could not do DD on the fly like the Xbox could, only on movies and ingame set piece cutscenes and sound. As for the HiDef GT4, that's one of the very very few games out there that actually could do it.

Was the voice com on the PS2 implemented after Xbox Live was introduced though? I can't remember.

Still though it shows microsoft didn't revolutionise gaming with hd, the game developers did.
DaveyD said:
Was the voice com on the PS2 implemented after Xbox Live was introduced though? I can't remember.

Live on the xbox and SOCOM on the PS2 were VERY close if I remember right, cos I seem to remember having PGR2 and SOCOM and thinking how the PGR2 experience just felt more polished.
lol they are not pioneers but that is not to discount what they have done, they have raised the bar, for better or worse, thats up to everyone to decide for themselves. IMO they have made console gaming better and i am glad they are pushing, it gets stale if there is no competition, i just wish Sony would put up a fight and grow a brain.

I understand what you are saying, they have made something’s move accessible to Mr Joe public and given the Sony a run for its money(lets face it after the rubbish with the PS3 they need a good wake up call)

I just don’t like people given MS all this credit for something they just didn’t do :(
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