Speaker comparison video of Z5 vs Z5 Compact, Z3, Z3+ and M9 from Basil at Btekt
Weird the z5 compact gives the louder sound than the z5
Speaker comparison video of Z5 vs Z5 Compact, Z3, Z3+ and M9 from Basil at Btekt
Where are people pre ordering the z5 premium from. Anybody have any recommendations for UK online retailers? I've never pre ordered a device before hence the question.
The green is a bit darker than I thought it would be.
Anyone read this yet?
Apparently Sony seemed to of changed their stance on the waterproofing of their phones, although at the moment we are not sure whether this just refers to the Z3+/Z5 range due to the uncapped charging port.
"You should not put the device completely underwater or expose it to seawater, salt water, chlorinated water or liquids such as drinks. Abuse and improper use of device will invalidate warranty"
Haha. Pathetic. Not waterproof at all then.
For sure, running it under the tap, using it in the shower and suchlike is exactly what it should be for. But the problem is Sony have previously shown off their phones being used under water, which is the beef people have, which is fair!
It won't change how i use the phone though, but some will no doubt.
Damn beaten^