South Korea Jeju air plane crash

Dlockers claimed the plane was sent to a different runway. The airport only has one but it can be approached from two directions. The plane nerds are busy whipping themselves in to a frenzy because 'in the industry' this means there's two runways. Ignoring the fact that 99.99% of people aren't 'in the industry' and there is in fact only one runway way at the airport.
I said it was sent to runway 19 (which is the same physical tarmac but from the opposite direction).
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It's not. Context is very important.

The approach will be different depending on which side they are coming in from.

How many times does your own source literally repeat there's only one runway but it's a designation?
If the treadmill has a reverse mode, is it one treadmill or two?

Is everyone here 'in the industry'?

Is a two directional road two roads? Is a footpath you can walk on in two directions two footpaths?

Could two planes land at once in opposite directions at that airport? No. Why not?

I am learning to fly and our runways are 36/18 & 08/26. They are there for a reason so everyone follows the right circuit when joining the area and to avoid collisions.

It is also a great way of facilitating safety especially in uncontrolled airspace because if someone comes on the radio saying they are on "final runway one eight" for example you know straight away they are coming in from the North going South.

This would be so utterly confusing if it didn't.

Yes two planes could land at once if they were staggered enough so they didn't hit each other. They would both leave off different taxi areas.
I am learning to fly and our runways are 36/18 & 08/26. They are there for a reason so everyone follows the right circuit when joining the area and to avoid collisions.

It is also a great way of facilitating safety especially in uncontrolled airspace because if someone comes on the radio saying they are on "final runway one eight" for example you know straight away they are coming in from the North going South.

This would be so utterly confusing if it didn't.

Yes two planes could land at once if they were staggered enough so they didn't hit each other. They would both leave off different taxi areas.

Wanna read your last sentence there again champ? They could land at once by leaving off different taxi areas?
If they're staggered they're not landing at once. Are they? One lands, then the next. That's not simultaneous.
"The plane initially tried to land on the airport's Runway 1, but the pilot was told to instead land on Runway 19"

It's the same runway but opposite ends - one end with a concrete block 150m from the end, the other without.
So this whole argument is to somehow 'correct' the above post? Brilliant :cry:
Wanna read your last sentence there again champ? They could land at once by leaving off different taxi areas?
If they're staggered they're not landing at once. Are they? One lands, then the next. That's not simultaneous.

On a large runway like Heathrow two small planes could quite easily land on the same runway as you put it yes. One would land on 27 and the other on 09 meeting in the middle at the same time.

I might add that it would be completely stupid and a atc wouldn't allow it but theoretically if two planes had engine failures and couldn't go around then it would be possible to land at the same time yes.
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