South Park

Personally I don't think there's ever been a bad episode of Southpark.
I can watch any one at any time.

Kill John Lennon.

The Britney Spears one last season was just terrible, actually a few of the last few seasons have been pretty bad.

Eek, a penis was poor
About last night... was again poor apart from the bits with Randy in them.
Personally I don't think there's ever been a bad episode of Southpark.
I can watch any one at any time.

Kill John Lennon.

woodland critter xmas

woodland critter xmas was terrible.

The latest episode is class. Best one in a while (apart from butters bottom pimp maybe) "pass me a beer stan" as randy has his knackers in the microwave! lol
; said:
A Million Little Fibres.
Eat, Pray and Queef.
The Britney Spears one last season was just terrible,
Eek, a penis was poor
woodland critter xmas

I like em all, I've just got such a juvenile nature
I've just finished catching up on Season 14. 14x02 - The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs stood out for me. Sarah Jessica Parker had me in stitches xD
Great ep about facebook but last weeks one was better.

First 2 eps were **** this season but ep3 and 4 are both hilarious :D.
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Raisins. Always has me in stitches when ever I watch that episode. Jimmy talking to wendy

" Stan says you are a CONT(stutter) CONT(stutter) CONT(stutter) "

" Well tell stan to go F himself then "

" Stan says you are a continuing source of inspiration to him "
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