South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

Ah yeh iconoclast seen a few of his. Not sure what to make of him tbh.
Indeed. I have watched a lot of his videos recently and i find him going a little too far sometimes. He is great for maximum confirmation bias for a racist, but at the same time he isnt quite that far over himself. I wonder if the audience and his rapid growth is pushing him further or compounding his confirmation bias.
YouTube and recommendations in general can be like that. Before you know it youve been pushed into your own echo chamber of the internet and you're as bad as the opinions you are trying to oppose.

It can be difficult to find balanced views.
Actually Japan has a population crisis with the population continually shrinking since 2010 and accelerating and the percentage of elderly rapidly increasing, the calls for opening up to immigration have started already

So their homogenous, traditionally conservative culture is causing very serious issues
A shrinking world (human) population is actually a good thing. A very good thing.

The fact that we (as countries) are ****ed any time the population shrinks is a sign of how bad we are at managing our species.

You think we're better off if there is continual population growth all the time? Sure it's great for the economy and reducing debt, but c'mon, let's look a few years into the future here...
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