South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

3 Jun 2005
I laughed then felt bad about it, because you know how it will go if they follow our path.
They're far too sensible for that, plus there's practically zero Leftist influence there. There wouldn't be any diversity & inclusion depts or affirmative action. And the first time someone says 'herp derp Japanese privilege' they'll be on the first rickshaw back to wherever they came from.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Hungary only recently emerged from communism.

'Recently'? It was more than 30 years ago! Also, relevance?

Look at Japan, for example. Homogeneous population, traditional conservative culture, and one of the most functional countries on the planet, even after getting nuked. UK is opposite in every way, and fast becoming a dystopian shole.

Explain how Japan's ethnic homogeneity and traditional conservative culture has been responsible for her economic success.
Also, Japan has quite a number of deep, ingrained social problems, negative population growth, and an ageing population.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Diversity = less white

Note: This is not my view

It's not only "whites" they dislike or hate and want to suppress. It's mostly men and especially "white" men, but it's not only that either. Biological group identity and the resulting prejudice and discrimination is the tool they're using to gain power, but what they really mean by "diversity" is "absolute conformity and obedience in all things - deeds, words, thoughts and feelings", i.e. the complete opposite of diversity. Their core ideology is authoritarianism, although they're usually devout believers in biological group identity and the resulting irrational prejudice and distinction as well. They hate people with the "right" biological group identity who don't obey them at least as much as they hate people with a "wrong" biological group identity. Not only do those people challenge their authoritarianism, they also challenge the idea of biological group identity as well because they're vocal proof that a trivial and irrelevant biological characteristic does not wholly define a person. "They're all the same" is a lie, no matter how fashionable it is to believe it, but it's the basis of what belief in biological group identity is.
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Comment on this from the Chief Constable of South Yorks from a couple of days ago:

Chief Constable Stephen Watson said:“There has been much speculation and discussion in traditional media and across digital platforms about our Hate Crime policy.

“This discussion began following an incident in Barnsley town centre last weekend, where a man was stabbed. Legal proceedings are now ongoing in relation to this matter and therefore it is not appropriate or lawful to provide further comment at this time.

“This incident and the statements issued on our force social media accounts provoked a wave of social commentary which was racist, abusive and offensive.

“In the face of some pretty outrageous comments we felt compelled to reassure our communities that we do not share the views of those individuals using social media to voice their hatred, and to remind everyone of hate crime and its impact on those affected.

“This appears to have been deliberately misconstrued and manipulated by some media outlets and individuals on social media to misleadingly suggest that we are encouraging people to report any incident that causes insult. This is not the case. Social commentary about drivers cutting up one another on roads, or people being insulted due to opposing views at a football game, is misleading and incredibly unhelpful.

“We encourage reporting of hate incidents much the same as we encourage victims of domestic abuse to report incidents to us, or communities feeling beset by antisocial behaviour to report incidents to us. Not all of those incidents reported to us are crimes, nor will they receive a police response, but it gives us (and our partner agencies) a good indication of what’s happening in our communities and directs our preventative, proactive police work to try and stop crimes from happening in the first place.

“I am sure victims of domestic abuse and communities experiencing antisocial behaviour are reassured by the fact they can call us about any incident, knowing that we’re there to support and listen. Why should victims of hate receive a different service or have a different expectation of our force?

“Our approach throughout our Hate Hurts campaign, which has been running for over a year now, has always been to reach out to vulnerable individuals and communities who are subject to abuse and persecution based on their race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

“We do this to better understand issues of hatred within our communities and to prevent such abuse manifesting itself in the way it did with the death of Fiona Pilkington.

“Had this issue not been so misrepresented, I doubt that we would find ourselves having to defend the policing approach to such an important issue. Keeping people safe is a key facet of what police officers do across the UK and a key element of our many responsibilities is to protect and support vulnerable people in our communities.

“Our policy is no different to any other force in the country and is a national initiative to ensure that any individual who feels persecuted or targeted by hate has trust and confidence in their police.

“The deliberate misrepresentation of our approach has created an unhelpful distraction.”
1 Apr 2009
How are their policies being misrepresented. You post something triggering, you get reported to the police. The definition of 'Nanny State'. Not OK, The End.

Basically, thought crime. Or for the pedants, 'Expression an opinion or making a joke crime".

Punishing opinion, and I don't care where you stand on the spectrum. Not. OK. And totally unproductive anyway.

“Our policy is no different to any other force in the country and is a national initiative to ensure that any individual who feels persecuted or targeted by hate has trust and confidence in their police."

Isn't that ironic...

“This appears to have been deliberately misconstrued and manipulated by some media outlets and individuals on social media to misleadingly suggest that we are encouraging people to report any incident that causes insult. This is not the case. Social commentary about drivers cutting up one another on roads, or people being insulted due to opposing views at a football game, is misleading and incredibly unhelpful."

Ah the strawman is strong with this 'un.
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16 Sep 2014
West Yorkshire
About a month ago I saw police turn up and go to the neighbours next door. We live on a culdesac and all keep an eye out for each other, but this particular neighbour keep themselves to themselves so I dont see them much to ask what the visit was about or if everything was OK. The police were there for just over two hours.
Anyway, a week went by and again, police turned up and visited them, another 2+ hour visit. This happened again last week, so 6 hours worth of visits so far. I actually saw him in his garden the other day so made the effort to quiz him despite feeling nosy. Turns out his 10 year old daughter is being bullied by a fellow pupil online. Couldnt bloody believe that WYP had enough resources to deal with this, especially as I know from experience they haven't turned up to investigate 'real crime' in my area. Told the other neighbours and everyone reacted with shock, no one thought it was a good use of police resources. Then I saw the SYP tweet and thought this is just the start of things to come...
2 Jan 2005
13 Feb 2006
About a month ago I saw police turn up and go to the neighbours next door. We live on a culdesac and all keep an eye out for each other, but this particular neighbour keep themselves to themselves so I dont see them much to ask what the visit was about or if everything was OK. The police were there for just over two hours.
Anyway, a week went by and again, police turned up and visited them, another 2+ hour visit. This happened again last week, so 6 hours worth of visits so far. I actually saw him in his garden the other day so made the effort to quiz him despite feeling nosy. Turns out his 10 year old daughter is being bullied by a fellow pupil online. Couldnt bloody believe that WYP had enough resources to deal with this, especially as I know from experience they haven't turned up to investigate 'real crime' in my area. Told the other neighbours and everyone reacted with shock, no one thought it was a good use of police resources. Then I saw the SYP tweet and thought this is just the start of things to come...

Your neighbour was likely too polite to tell you to go away, which is what I would have done.

Or maybe he thought he'd best tell you what's going on so you don't make something wild and fanciful up and spread it around the neighbours.
18 Mar 2008
Are we posting white nationalist video's unabated on this website now?

I won't be touching the play button on that at all, the T-Shirt and the cowardly face mask is enough.
12 Sep 2012

TBH modern day bullying can take many different forms. With the power of the internet and the way school kids can be, I imagine they responded to something more than just a bit of name calling and harassment. If i recall correctly, there was a school in the US last year which had three suicides in the first few months of the semester attributed to cyber bullying of which the severity and extent was never really uncovered.

Now it is popular to say that kids these days are a soft touch but if someone is at risk, surely police involvement is not a waste.

If they responded as you say, the bullying likely could involve the bully breaking the law in some ways.
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