Space Hulk: Deathwing

Does sound like it's getting better, I'll maybe give it another patch before I dive back in...
only thing im finding bad is the mutiplayer if you fail the mission server disconnects, really annoying when you have a good squad thats working well together
Got this for xmas but still havent had a chance to play it!

Hoping to give it a go tomorrow. Will report back my thoughts.
ok - loaded this up expecting a sub-standard game, I had a resolution setting glitch which took about 10 minutes to fix and no problems since then in SP.

After playing through the first 3 chapters, I will say I think its actually pretty good and suits an older gamer like myself as its much slower paced overall. Yes the enemies come thick and fast as you progress but its nicely paced between shooting and exploration.

The teleport mechanic is an interesting concept.

The audio is very atmospheric, its basically Aliens with a 40k overlay. The art and voice-overs are nicely done and the producers have respected the deep source material at their disposal.

Performance is serviceable but not blistering, I am getting 60fps ish @ 1440p running a 6700k @ 4.7 and 980ti at 1500 with max settings.

If you want a complete opposite to the adrenaline rush of Titanfall 2 then this is a good substitute to relax with more. As a Dawn of War fan I really want to get to the end of the story and then give multi-player a stab after a patch or two.
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Update incoming!

Community manager just posted on the forums, we're getting an update soon but that is not what stood out to me, over this year Deathwing will be getting free content updates, what could they be?!

is it worth looking at now? :D love me some 40k :D

If you love 40k, then yes. The environments are just so well put together. Performance still needs a little bit more love, but it's much much better than at launch. Heavy flamer is just so good. That and assault cannon are my fav
The new patch makes the game run pretty damn smooth for me now, I did get a few graphical problems though when I maxed it.


then the ship decided to remove walls !

10GB, you need to go to the game properties in steam and select the nextpatch beta.

Cool thanks, I'll give it a go!

Any word on proper controller support? My laptop can't really handle it (GTX 765M 2GB), but my HTPC (GTX 960 4GB) is uncomfortable to play on the couch with a keyboard... 360 pad would be ideal!
Is that maxed out? If so, what do you expect at 4k? That sounds quite reasonable on a brand new unreal engine 4 game on what is now a fairly old/ mid to high range graphics card with only 4gb vram at 4k.

By those results, fps should be great on my 1080 at 1440p.
Since when has 3440x1440 been "4K"?
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