Although now im curious, know any specifically?
A few weeks ago their was a suggestion that Red Bull were running some for of active ride height control, not active suspension, but the ability to compensate for fuel load ride height changes. Now everyone seems to have gone very quiet on this issue. Is this a case of all the teams working on their own versions or do people think the concept was wrong.
If true it must have a large impact on aero upgrqades because with ride height control you can optimise the aero for one configuration but without you must optimise aero across the range of ride hieghts from start to finish.
Is RBR's increasing qualifying pace a consequence of one technical innovation allowing them to better hone others?
Yep, any other team would have been given grid penalty
OK what time is the race? I'm getting mixed reports. I thought it was 12:00 GMT?
Coverage has just started if you want to switch over.
Hate that commentator with a passion.