Spare Computer Parts for DC projects

Various parts wanted.

I am building a custom pc and am looking for a wide range of parts, these include:
DVI monitors (2 of)
Hard disks (minimum 150gb each and either ide OR sata)
Standard ATX case
750w or higher psu (with pci-e and intel 8-pin connector if possible but i can get adapters where required)
EEC Registered RAM for servers (1-4gb per dimm - ddr2 specification)
CPU cooler (2 of) for intel xeon 3.16ghz SL8UM processor (or water cooler system with 2 cpu heat exchangers, 1 gpu heat exchanger, ram heat exchanger, pump and reservior)
Keyboard and mouse

Please PM me if you can help.
Thankyou!! :) :D
Is this pc for folding with for team ocuk ? or are you just signing up for free parts?

EDIT- given the name and post count, i really wouldnt hold your breath.....

EDIT AGAIN - are you been serious asking for them free bits
I like the idea of that and would be more than happy to help, but i dont have a working computer to do it from yet, hence looking for parts. I use my phone's browser to find sites and put up requests like this. I will be more than happy to donate some time once i have a working system, but im stuck until i can complete this build.
I am new to F@H ............why do you need 2 DVI monitors for folding i missing sumert

Its not two for folding. It's one to game and the other for folding, general browsing, download monitoring or finding info on games im playing lol

Also known as "beeing greedy" as i want to utilise my gpu properly. Lol
Its not two for folding. It's one to game and the other for folding, general browsing, download monitoring or finding info on games im playing lol

Also known as "beeing greedy" as i want to utilise my gpu properly. Lol

well i have just started folding for team 10, 24/7, got 25+ tabs open in chrome, building a website, editing photos on ONE 17 inch non dvi monitor
...i get the feeling if you got some of parts sent to you we not see you again
...loved to proved incorrect hope i am
Infact if you still hear and become part of the OC uk community like i hope to do, i will have no probs donating to you


i have some ide hard drives tested good 40-80 gig (most are 60 gig)
I get them for the wife's best friend, she has a internet caf in Thailand but was going to cost me £80 to post them all so just sent 1/2 of them
free to folders ..

looking forwards to my 42 inch IPS panel arriving mid jan:)
Parts up for swapping if possible

I have a dual xeon socket 604 mainboard and two 3.2ghz xeon processors (no ram) lying around unused and am after a monitor with dvi support. If anyone can help me out, let me know please? Once i have my desktop working, i will happily donate some time to folding. In fact, i would happily leave it folding while i sleep on a regular basis. Please note, im using my blackberry to post to the forum and get emails from the forum. Thankies :D
Not that this gets looked at often I have a few parts to offer up fellow folders for sensible money but am also looking for bits also.

GTX580 and 590 waterblocks

Have should anyone need, regardless of the above:
16gb (4x4gb) 2133ghz Team Extreeme Ram.
H50 (some thread damage)
Antec 620 all good.
4u Rackmount case.
Not that this gets looked at often I have a few parts to offer up fellow folders for sensible money but am also looking for bits also.

GTX580 and 590 waterblocks

Have should anyone need, regardless of the above:
16gb (4x4gb) 2133ghz Team Extreeme Ram.
H50 (some thread damage)
Antec 620 all good.
4u Rackmount case.

Drop me an email and we can sort out a deal if the parts are still avalible.

[email protected]

OCUK Folding User Name - Coopp001
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