US: Spartacus - War Of The Damned

There's always the Caesar spin-off they're planning. DaVinci's Demons starts after the finale so hopefully it'll be good too, although probably nothing like Spartacus.
Wow. Going to be sad to see this end. Loved every episode of all the seasons even though others have not.

Will buy the whole boxset on bluray when it's released..

Can't wait for the last episode though!!
I skip the gay bits tbh :P does nothing for me and I doubt it adds anything to the story.

I skip most the other sex scenes as well though , If I want to fap I can easily locate a porno

This is why i was about to watch it from the start but changed my mind. I dont want to watch a program with loads of sex scenes. It's just innapropriate and adds nothing to the program.
Hahaha jesus, complaining about sex scenes in a tv series that is based around the time of mass orgys and just bang out horny Romans.

Whatever next!
Such a great show, will be sad to see it end. Doesn't get the recognition it deserves IMO probably because of it's gore & **** content :p. But the story and characters are actually great, if Gannicus loses to Caesar 1v1 next week I will rage.
It will indeed be a sad night on friday this week. but at least they know to finish the show on a high and not drag it out for 20 seasons.

It seems to be skipped over but John Hannah played an excellent role, and we got to see Xena's boobies ! Epic show :D

Well done Starz.
I'm sorry but this season has gone down hill a lot. I am nearly at the point of giving up on the last few episodes it is so bad at times. It was at its best when they were still in the arena but I loved all of it until recently.

How many stupid slow motion panning shots can they fit in of Gannicus and co jumping into battle. There are no surprises any more and its almost become a parody of itself.
^^ Well, I'm still enjoying this series, but I have to admit, it's not a patch on the first two series (the original and "gods of the arena").

Since they left the halls of Batiatus the shoe really hasn't captured the same quality. The first two series (excluding the first three or four episodes) were just fantastic. The latter two series have felt all too forced for my tastes.

Still, it's been a good series overall, so I won't complain. It's much easier to tell and original story than it is one with an ending set in history.
Gannicus is my hero. Screwing hot ladies, drinking himself silly, taking out romans with his ninja dual swords. He better get a good send off (I'm assuming he's going down next week...).
I agree with you guys above, this series has really been on a downward slide since Gods of the Arena.

Season 2 had way too many speeches and they added the 2 awful actors who cannot act - Nasir and Naevia. Nasir doesn't even bother trying to do an English accent like the rest of the do, he just talks with an Aussie accent and it takes me right out the show and annoys me. At least Batiatus' Scottish accent was European (although I don't know why he was the only one with that accent and even his father didn't have it...). None of the other characters talk with an Aussie accent (except by mistake on some words) and Nasir was Syrian, but Ashur had a completely different accent to him.

The fight scenes became a joke too with far too much slo-mo and every fight has someone jumping into the battle. For some reason Crixus also start drop-kicking everyone and there were loads of continuity errors introduced where he would jump and kick them and suddenly have no sword, or he would start running at them with a shield and then have no shield (on the episode where they walk into the trap in the snow camp).

The dialogue became so stilted! They keep leaving out articles and pronouns and it just breaks the flow of the sentences, and the reuse certain phrases a lot, so it started to sound really cheesy.

The Caesar rape scene was also overboard and not required since everyone already hated that little a-hole.

Spartacus got too invincible, he even got stabbed in the shoulder when the pirates betrayed them and he was able to carry on fighting with no problem. Them walking around in the snow in their underpants was also laughable. I will not be surprised if Agron is able to fight even after having nails through his hands.

/rant. Had to get that off my chest! Season 1 was so good, it's been a shame to watch the decline.
There was more political intrigue and manoeuvring in the series that had Batiatus in it. Kept things interesting.

Still liking it though
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