Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!


Oh hai guiz!!!111

Terrible chest session today, gonna then my life around and sort my binge eating and drinking out on weekends, as its losing me all kinds of Monday chest day gainz.

DB Bench
28kg 10
40kg 3
34kg 8/4
30kg 6

DB incline
28kg 8/8/4

Dips SS Push Ups

Cable Cross Overs
12.5kg 8/8/8

Cable Push Down
25kg 15
30kg 12/7
Ha! Today just wasn't meant to be. Even the 30s I did two reps, thought it was too easy, then hit a wall!
More interesting, lots of stretching before hand, dislocations with a band and delt stretches. What I am currently trying to do is take a bar with small amount of weight on it, and very slowly stretch through the full ROM.

We realised at the last meet that once the bar gets near my chest on Bench, I can't keep tension in it. It's not a lack of strength, 100kg should be easily doable for me. But I can't touch my chest with the bar and push it back out, and I'm sure it's a flexibility problem.

So light bar, full ROM with both bench and OHP, trying to stretch out these muscles and see if I can improve ROM.
^ yeah that's tight pecs. Both internal and external rotation shoulder stretching required.

This is a problem that I had, and for some reason it only happened with heavier weights.
Right guess ill have to learn how to do that then :(

Are the low weight full ROM movements good to be doing as well?
Yeah a good warm up does help. I find that doing my set with just bar slightly higher up my chest gives me more of a stretch.

Some stretching before you bench will be fine.
Is changing chest day to another day not an option then? If its the weekends that are having an effect on your work out just shift it to a more favorable day
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