Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Pretty good chest session by my standards:
BB Bench
45kg 10
60kg 10
75kg 8/8/8
65kg 10/8

DB Press Incline
28kg 8/8/8

DB Flyes
12kg 10/10/10

Cable Cross Overs
10kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Downs
30kg 10/10/10

20kg 10/10/10
Shoulders felt stronk today. Slowly getting back to where my OHP was.
40kg 10
55kg 8/8/8
Behind Head
45kg 8/8

DB Press
26kg 7/7
22kg 10/10

Machine Press SS
30kg 10/10

BB Front Raise SS
25kg 10/10

Face Pulls
20kg 10/10/10

Rear Flyes
10kg 10/10/10

Shrugs trap bar
80kg 15/15/15
That looks like a joocey session. I think shoulders day is the only thing I miss now that I'm a powerlifting phaggot.

Where was your OHP?
Yeah lifting heavy over your head always gives me a feel good buzz, and a delt pump is awesome for bishes to mire.

I THINK I've managed 3x8 for 60kg before, but that was back on dbol which is obviously gives you massive water retention and strength gains. Albeit temporarily!
Oh looking back maybe it was only 50kg! Haha, I've been giving myself a hard time over this for months thinking I was weaker......
Legs of peas
60kg 8 front
100kg 8 back
125kg 8/8/8
100kg 8
60kg 15

Leg Press
270kg 8/8/8/8

Leg extensions
35kg 12/12/12

10kg 8/8/8

Hammy Curlz
55kg 12/12/12

Squats felt almost easy but got a fair bit of lower back pump. Leg press was joocey, GHRs almost caused double hamstring cramp.

Also had a PT mirin me, saw the weight on the bar and he asked what I was going for. I said 3 sets of 8, and he seemed somewhat taken aback. All three sets were surprisingly easy though.
Ta. Struggle too much with opening my hips and rotating to do RDL/SLDL so just stick with GHRs off the back of the leg press seat. Annoyingly think I'm gonna have to do it while holding a 15kg plate next week. Inb4 snapped hammy.
in 4 pics of how you use the leg press to do your GHR's. Sounds interesting, and I need a better way then jamming my feet under the foot rests on a bench.
Another chest session packed full of tasty gains.

BB Bench
60kg 8
77.5kg 8/8/8
67.5kg 10/10

Inc DB Press
30kg 10/8/8

DB Flyes
12kg 10/10/10

BW 10/10/10

Cable Crossovers
10kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down
30kg 10
35kg 10/6
25kg 8 DS

Cable Rope Superset
15kg / 10kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

25kg 8/8

Weight up, reps up, pump up, **** this **** up.
Aiming to log every workout this week, just for giggles.
Pull Ups
8kg 8/8/5
BW 6

Tbar Rows
30kg 12
40kg 10/10/10

Behind head lat pull down
60kg 10
65kg 10
60kg 10

Low Cable Row
40kg 10/10/10

BB Curlz
25kg 8/8/8

Narrow Grip
25kg 8/8/8

Cable Curlz
20kg 10/10

Strange session today. Felt good going in, very first set knocked me for six.
40kg 8
57.5kg 8/8/4 distracted by rolling plate
Behind Head
45kg 10/10

DB Press
26kg 8/8/7
20kg 12/12

Machine Press SS front raises
30kg / 25kg

Face Pulls
15kg 12/12/12

Rear Flyes
10kg 10/10/10

70kg 15
90kg 15/15
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