Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Actually really enjoyed/hated this workout :)
Leg extensions
35kg 20/2020

Back + Front squat
60kg 12/10
60kg 12/10
60kg 12/10
60kg 12/10
60kg 12/10

Walking Lungles
10kg / BW / 10kg / BW
6 / 12 / 6 / 12
6 / 12 / 6 / 12

Single Leg Curlz
30kg 12/8
Bro pls, 35% of your 1RM for 20 reps shouldn't be difficult?

That said I've always dabbled with high volume leg work so if you're a noob to it I can see how you might struggle.
Which would be more valid if it wasn't after pre-exhaustion leg extensions :p That's not a 20 rep walk in the park, that's a grind to finish the set!
Not a great shoulder session :(
40kg 8
65kg 8/6
60kg 7/4

BTN Press
47.5kg 8/8/8

DB Press
26kg 7/5
20kg 10/9

Bent Over Cable Side Raises
15kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raises
25kg 10/10/10
Getting back on form.
Flat BB Bench
60kg 8
90kg 8/7
80kg 8
65kg 10/10

Incline DB Press
30kg 8/8/7

Cable Cross Overs
30kg 10/10
25kg 10/10

BW 12/9/8

Straight cable push downs
80kg 20
Nothing to write home abouts but certainly a good pump from this session. Been achey and tired all week so happy with this!

Pull Ups
BW 8/8

BW 8/8

Lat Pull Down BTN
70kg 10/10/10

Lat Pull Down close grip
60kg 12/12

Tbar Row
35kg 10/12/11
(Actually did 12 reps on the last set, but the last was so messy I'm not counting it)!

BB Curlz
25kg / 20kg / 10kg
8 / 12 / 15
8 / 12 / 15
8 / 12 / 15

Rope Curlz
X some
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