Spec me a board game for Christmas

Get yourself a Nintendo Wii and some four player games or even some old GameCube games.

Get four controllers and profit.

We always play Uno and Monopoly over Christmas. We have our own rules (obviously) which keeps the game fun whilst not dragging on for too long.

If monopoly is played by the rules, it's a quick game anyway. No idea why people play with house rules. A 4 player game is done in an hour.
especially if you play with someone who spends ages umming and ahhing about what to do!

This is the thing isn't it. Myself, I'm thinking all the different options I'll have when it comes back round to me, so my go is usually quite quick. Then... the next person goes 'right, lets see. Oh... when did this happen' and they're sat there 5 minutes working out a plan! (Or even better, the person that you say 'its your turn' and they go... 'oh, okay. I'm just going to nip to the loo...'. Literally had someone doing this! :mad: )

I never really hear of this game being played these days. But back when I was a kid and visited my great aunt and uncle, this would be one of the many board games they would have in the drawers.
This was a big family lockdown game when we were all split up. Used to play it on our phones and on voice chat - was really good.
Seeing if there’s a board game that meets these criteria:
. Suitable for three players - as some games are only suitable for 4+ players.
. Easy to understand
. Doesn’t drag on forever

My parents and I play board games over Christmas. We have Monopoly, Cluedo and Sorry! Plus cards. Monopoly we just play until a certain time or if one of us is bankrupt.

Not Monooly unless you want arguements.
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