I've been thinking about fitting a couple of cameras for a while and now the garden has had a makeover, I thought I'd fit some before getting any furniture etc.
I know very little about CCTV and a friend has offered me one of these with a 6TB WD purple:
There are some 8mp cameras too, but they aren't colour night vision...
So I was thinking of pairing it with a couple of these:
Hikvision DS-2CD2387G2-L(U) 8 MP ColorVu Fixed Turret Network Camerawww.hikvision.com
Does this seem like a decent setup? Anything I'm missing?
Should I be looking at something different?
Thanks in advance.
I have 2 of DS-2CD2384G2-LU on the front of the house with a street light 5m away and its a great colour picture , the street light has failed waiting for council to fix and the view is still very good in colour and no need for the cameras lights to come on