DS-2CD2035FWD-I 3 MP (4mm) Ultra-Low Light
Regarding the 3MP camera, would anyone know approximately how long it'd take to max out a 128GB memory card at full resolution 30fps as I can't seem to find the info/an estimate. Also, does anybody also know if you can set it to roll record, i.e. constantly overwrite previous recording once full?
I'm tempted to budget for ~£150 camera. I feel the need to get one as my year just keeps on improving - the latest spat of **** being threats to myself/where I live and my car, because apparently that's what adults do! So I'm looking to get myself and easy route to the police should something happen. Only need one camera.
All I've looked at so far is the 3MP HIKVISION stated above, and around on generic sites. Not clued up at all on this, I just want something that's easy to setup/install, has local storage, and potential ability to be monitored by my phone. Night vision 10m upwards is needed.
[edit] Oh and something that'd be more beneficial than anything would be a wireless camera, as I don't have any sockets in my bathroom which is where the camera is going to be outside of!
[edit 2] Also, just done some quick calculations using their spec sheet, I think at max res and whatnot it'd be approx. 18-19hrs at 128GB.
Max video Bit rate 16Mbps = 16777216 bits
Storage 128GB = 1099511627776 bits
128GB / 16Mb = 65536 seconds
65536 / 60 = ~1092 minutes
1092 / 60 = 18.2 hours
Unless I'm just having a really bad day and that's completely wrong...
Cheers folks.
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