Spec me an LED Torch

Thanks - it's a lot easier to put it together that way! Probably not as water resistant though.

So I took it out for the evening dog walk and compared it to my 900 lumen Fenix E35 UE, main thoughts.

1 - Build quality is OK, not perfect. Removed quite a few small bits of aluminium from the lanyard holes. There's a fair few machining marks/scratches on the body. Threads aren't well lubed and a little rough.

2 - Brightness is similar to the E35, maybe a little more floody, certainly not a huge difference. So if you've got an XML-2 based light this isn't going to blow your mind (No surprise, the XP-L too is essentially the same LED on a smaller package).

3 - Temperature - the output is a lot warmer than my E35, not sure that's a good thing.

4 - Temperature! - this gets really hot, really quickly on turbo. The E35 can run on turbo without any temperature issues (though it's annoying you have to hold the button down) whereas the BLF A6 gets uncomfortably hot very quickly. Think it probably needs some heatsinking.

5 - Flexibility - like to be able to customise the setup. I've put mine on 4 levels instead of 7 and turned mode memory on. Very nice setup that way.

Memory mode? The various levels I can understand, how does one set memory mode, and that sort of thing?
Memory mode means when you turn the torch on it comes on at the power level you turned it was on before you turned it off.

To change the options turn the torch on, do 15 short presses then it'll do two sets of double blinks.

If you half press between the first two blinks you can change between 4 or 7 levels of light and the second two blinks turns memory on or off.
Reflector, figured it out!

The reflector dust wasn't dust... it's actually marks on it :mad:

I don't want to send it back, can I just get a new reflector? Not sure who to contact since banggood are just the reseller?

Emailed the store and they got back to me right away. New reflector being posted asap.

Bang good customer service!

I got the shadow VG10 after you recommend it, i might be after another similar torch.

Do you think the BLF A6 is worth a shot?, there is a code to get it for £20 delivered.
I think it's better than the Shadow V10 yeah, the Shadow is much better built though, and feels more premium, but the extra features of the BLF A6 are better.

I still have not found runtime figures for the BLF with 3400mAh cells though, as I'm sure it must be more than the "26 minutes" one guy quoted on another forum in Turbo :S
After buying a Hong Kong 2000 Lumens torch I was quite impressed so finally decided to get something brighter for cycling.
Just before I was going to buy a Hong Kong 5000 Lumens cycle torch I was told to buy a readily available UK one called Smart 700.
I took the plunge and lets say the 700 Lumens of the Smart 700 is way brighter than the Hong Kong 2000.
I've just ordered another to use in the house.


I have just bought a Hong Kong headlamp though for doing jobs like soldering and working on my bikes in the dark - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00K14VC7U?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

I've had a go at searching the thread but it's on the big side!

I'm after a cheap lantern or torch that I can hang from a car bonnet to work by in the dark.

Cheap as possible, will literally only use it for this. I've got rechargable AAs and 18650s.

Any cheap ones stand out for a wide flood light?


I've had a go at searching the thread but it's on the big side!

I'm after a cheap lantern or torch that I can hang from a car bonnet to work by in the dark.

Cheap as possible, will literally only use it for this. I've got rechargable AAs and 18650s.

Any cheap ones stand out for a wide flood light?


This is why I've just ordered this.
I'm fed up of having to reposition my light for every position I get in so I've ordered this to see if it is better - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00K14VC7U?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
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