Hello Mate,
It depends what you need the UV dropin for.
if you're looking to be fluorescing *bodily fluids*, then no UV dropins on the market at the moment currently dip low enough into the UV spectrum - you need around 365nm for that.
if what you're trying to fluoresce is a material that is commonly regarded as fluorescent (like Dayglo objects, highlighter/"UV ink" etc), then just about any of them will do.
the WF-502B you linked to uses a 18650 cell for power, i assume that this means that you're also using a 18650? if so, that's good, because most of the UV dropins i've seen are 4.2V max.
take your pick really, i have no information on the specific wavelengths emitted by any of them though, so caveat emptor etc...
There was a guy on CandlePowerForums who made UV dropin modules which used the top-of-the-line Nichia UV emitters, but the emitters were over $100 each, so there wasn't much demand for the modules and he's now out of stock on the emitters, and won't get more in until there's enough demand for them.
I recently found a site selling supposed 365nm UV LED's for quite reasonable prices, but i need to investigate that further.
Hold up hold up, i've found a review of this
Kaidomain UV Light,
Here which has a photo which shows it fluorescing the color-strip on a banknote, this suggests that it's much lower wavelength than the cheap 395-400nm lights - i'd say that's a good one to go for. it probably wont light up *fluids* but banknotes, passports and credit cards should light up nicely.