I'm about to buy a Zebralight H51 head torch (chosen over the H31) and I'm wondering about the batteries. Rather than use normal AA, would it be better to be using Eneloop AA batteries? Will these charge in a normal AA charging unit?
Easiest question first: yes, the eneloops will charge in a regular charger, but not all AA chargers are equal, if you dont have one look into the duracel CEF23, which CPF recommends as being quite a well behaved AA charger, especially for the money
as to whether using Eneloops over regular AAs would be better, well that depends on a number of things.
if the light is going to be stored up in case of emergencies, neither alkaline or AA are totally suitable, I'd recommend nothing but energizer lithium (L91) for that.
if you intend to use the light primarily on high or high-medium mode, you will see better runtimes out of the eneloops.
If you intend to use the light primarily on low or low-medium, you'll get better runtimes out of alkalines.
of course, with eneloops you always have the option of resorting to alkalines when ther run out.
remember that with alkalines there's always the risk of it leaking and coating your nice expensive light with corrosive goop. remember to never leave alkalines in lights for prolonged periods of time.
please feel free to ask more questions or for clarification, and congratulations on buying one of, (i feel) the best headlights in existance.
sorry about the stupid double spacing, my phone's acting up something awful...