Speeding on a bicycle

3 Jun 2006
Can you get a fine for speeding on a bicycle at 30mph?

The reason i ask is a guy at work says he did but has no proof and is a serial liar!
But there's no law saying you need a speedometer so no, I don't think you can. You could get done for being dangerous on a public road or something I expect though.
Saw it on the news a couple of years ago... some bloke got done by a speed cam and somehow they tracked him down and landed him with a fixed penalty.
It can happen, but if he's got a habit of lying then this could just be his attempt to claim that he's Lance Armstrong II.
yes you can AFAIK but prooving it might be difficult.

I have tried to set one of the cameras off in Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford but my legs don't go any faster than 4mph :p
I can't see how, theres no law on having a speedo, so how can they do you for speeding. especily as theres no licence or age limit, meaning if you could miners could get a fine..
AcidHell2 said:
I can't see how, theres no law on having a speedo, so how can they do you for speeding. especily as theres no licence or age limit, meaning if you could miners could get a fine..

Why miners specifically :confused:

AcidHell2 said:
I can't see how, theres no law on having a speedo, so how can they do you for speeding. especily as theres no licence or age limit, meaning if you could miners could get a fine..

Its probably not a specific speeding charge, more likely to be a 'without due care and attention' charge...
Visage said:
Its probably not a specific speeding charge, more likely to be a 'without due care and attention' charge...

No, there is a speeding charge, see my above post. It doesnt matter if you don't have a speedo or liscence. The speedlimit on the road is for all traffic, and a bicycle is considered a traffic when on the road.
Yes you can.

Cyclists have to follow the same rules of the road as anyone else. They might not have to have a speedo or insurance etc etc, but they still have to obey the rules.

I remember sitting at the front of the queue at traffic lights and a cyclist went through when they were still red. The police car next to me put on the blues and twos and pulled the guy over. I stopped to watch and saw him get a ticket. lol

I've also seen people stopped for cycling the wrong way down the road (facing into the traffic...in rush hour no less! How stupid! :eek: ) and someone else stopped for having no lights at night.

(edit - can't spell!)
ok heres the laws on cyclists, which have to be followedl, not advisory.

At night your cycle MUST have front and rear lights lit.
It MUST also be fitted with a red rear reflector
When using segregated tracks you MUST keep to the side intended for cyclists.
You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.


* carry a passenger unless your cycle has been built or adapted to carry one
* hold on to a moving vehicle or trailer
* ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner
* ride when under the influence of drink or drugs.

You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement
You MUST NOT cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red

cant find out what laws you break if you do this though, does refer to
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36, TSRGD reg 10(1) but can't find it..
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