18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
I have unfortunately had multiple speeding tickets in my past. Every time I have been caught by a police officer in a marked car - i was followed and pulled over and asked to step in the car and given the paperwork there and then. If you watch any of the reality TV about police (police interceptors on channel 5 etc..) that correlates with this. When I was caught by police cars, both were by traffic police. Once with a laser gun pointing up hill on a blind bend of an empty motorway, and another that followed me unmarked and calculated my average speed on the motorway by using the Vascar .The Peugeot 308 is just a normal police patrol car, not traffic police. And a random patrol car at a junction is not using a lasergun so wouldn't have got you that way, and if you slowed down after seeing it, they wouldn't have been able to measure you speeding after they started following you.

If the car followed you, but never pulled you over. You're "friend" is fine. But maybe your "friend" should lean to slow the **** down. Getting caught at those speeds on a 30mph road is proceed directly to a ban or 6 points and a much higher fine. Never acceptable to do those speeds in a 30.

As for why your "friend" wasn't pulled over. See above - no laser gun to measure your speed as you approached. They visually clocked "him" and knew he was speeding so followed him to see if "he" was A) stupid enough to keep speeding or B) going to run. They will have phoned in all the usual checks - MOT, Insurance, license of the registered keeper and observed "him" to see if he made any stupid mistakes. "he" probably got off lucky because they never managed to get a moment to measure his speed when he was speeding, and all other checks were valid. "he" may not be so lucky next time if he continues doing those speeds in a 30mph zone.
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24 Oct 2012
my “friend”

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Funny thing is speed rarely accomplishes much - I was following a work colleague (just randomly encountered them and happened to be going same way) they speed off into the distance then got stuck behind a lorry so I caught up, they did a risky overtake, lorry turned off 100m up the road, I caught them up again at roadworks a few minutes later :s
22 Nov 2006
Funny thing is speed rarely accomplishes much - I was following a work colleague (just randomly encountered them and happened to be going same way) they speed off into the distance then got stuck behind a lorry so I caught up, they did a risky overtake, lorry turned off 100m up the road, I caught them up again at roadworks a few minutes later :s

Well, apart from being more fun :p
23 May 2006
A while back i was on the motorway doing around (an indicated) 90. it was mostly empty but i was on autopilot and not paying enough attention. a police car - one of the motorway pursuit ones so would have had all the gear, pulled along side me in the fast lane and the passenger copper waggled his finger at me, they then proceeded to fire up the blues and twos and sped off.

I expect i was just very lucky that they had somewhere else to be and didnt have time to pull me. IF they had been able to remotely ticket me i am sure they would have.

It worked tho, i instantly knocked the excess mph off (well for a while anyway). These days i rarely go over 80 and with adaptive cruise on my new car tend to just limit to 74mph, then i just have to worry about roadworks and "intelligent" speed limits. (bit of a segue but i wonder if anyone has ever tried to use an EV as a defence if pulled doing 70 in an area where it says "speed limit reduced due to local air quality".

Not excusing speeding but most of us do it from time to time. in my slight defence mine was on a quiet motorway (M6) but approaching double the speed limit in a residential area is pushing it somewhat.
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3 May 2012
A while back i was on the motorway doing around (an indicated) 90. it was mostly empty but i was on autopilot and not paying enough attention. a police car - one of the motorway pursuit ones so would have had all the gear, pulled along side me in the fast lane and the passenger copper waggled his finger at me, they then proceeded to fire up the blues and twos and sped off.

I expect i was just very lucky that they had somewhere else to be and didnt have time to pull me. IF they had been able to remotely ticket me i am sure they would have.

It worked tho, i instantly knocked the excess mph off (well for a while anyway). These days i rarely go over 80 and with adaptive cruise on my new car tend to just limit to 74mph, then i just have to worry about roadworks and "intelligent" speed limits. (bit of a segue but i wonder if anyone has ever tried to use an EV as a defence if pulled doing 70 in an area where it says "speed limit reduced due to local air quality".

Not excusing speeding but most of us do it from time to time. in my slight defence mine was on a quiet motorway (M6) but approaching double the speed limit in a residential area is pushing it somewhat.

Oh I've had that with an unmarked car once, on the A14 came up behind me, then put it's lights on, I slowed down and moved over to the outside lane, they they just went past. Was doing about 90.

Another situation on the A1 south just as you go under the M25. Again doing about 90 but there was an Audi R8 right up my arse, I was in the outside lane, overtaking some grey vauxhall mariva (or similar non descript car) as I went past the Mariva, I moved over to let the Audi that was right up my arse past, as I did that, the Mariva, now behind me, fired up it's lights overtook me after that Audi, which was by this time like half a mile down the road, and proceeded to pull it over lol.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
Funny thing is speed rarely accomplishes much - I was following a work colleague (just randomly encountered them and happened to be going same way) they speed off into the distance then got stuck behind a lorry so I caught up, they did a risky overtake, lorry turned off 100m up the road, I caught them up again at roadworks a few minutes later :s

This is a lesson you learn with age. I mentioned in my post above I've been caught multiple times before, but haven't been caught in at least 10 years.

Very rarely does deliberately attempting to do significantly higher speed than the general flow of traffic get you any further unless you're planning on occupying the outside lane of a motorway and planning to cover long distance at permanent 3 figure speeds.

There's always the possibility of getting caught by accident. I know I've driven through several rural sections of road where the limit is constantly changing from 60 to 50 to 40 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 60 as you come in and out of villages and it would be very easy to get caught out by being slightly on the wrong side of one of those changes if you missed a sign. Likewise variable motorway speed limits where they can suddenly drop from 70 to 50 and have a camera on the very gantry advertising the reduced limit. To anybody who gets caught that way, I feel for you.
10 Nov 2005
I don't understand this. Why not just set it to 70? Where do you have to be that 4mph is going to make a significant difference?

Over a 100 mile journey, difference between 74 and 70 is 4 minutes, assuming you stay at 74 the entire time.
Because most cars are around 3-4mph out, depending on the age, we've all discussed this in the past, that's why you usually get a leeway of around 2-3mph by police, I know many people that drive through speed cameras at 33 for this very reason and they're never flashed - me however, I'm too much of a pussy to risk it with my bad luck haha :cry: :D
10 Nov 2005
Funny thing is speed rarely accomplishes much - I was following a work colleague (just randomly encountered them and happened to be going same way) they speed off into the distance then got stuck behind a lorry so I caught up, they did a risky overtake, lorry turned off 100m up the road, I caught them up again at roadworks a few minutes later :s
Upon you reaching your colleague at the roadworks, he turned to you and said:
30 Sep 2003
Funny thing is speed rarely accomplishes much - I was following a work colleague (just randomly encountered them and happened to be going same way) they speed off into the distance then got stuck behind a lorry so I caught up, they did a risky overtake, lorry turned off 100m up the road, I caught them up again at roadworks a few minutes later :s
The other day I was following a colleague as well. He was going just a few mph quicker than me, he lucked out on the traffic at the roundabout which then meant he didn't get caught by the set of lights at the next junction. We ended up back at the hotel nearly 5 minutes apart on a 20 minute drive.

Or in other words, what you are describing is chance, which works both ways. The "you won't get there any quicker" argument is unfortunately disproven by the well established Time = Distance / Speed equation. Anything that goes against this is just random variables that could have gone either way.

The real moral of the story is that my company motor has a whole 10 BHP more than his and my fuel is covered in full by the company whereas his is expensed. There should be no situation that he is getting anywhere quicker than I am :p

EDIT - The other moral of the story is to not pass up opportunities like this. He was just waiting around in the car park for me. Personally, I'd have sprinted in to the bar, ordered a pint, instantly downed half of it so when he comes in I could give him the "where the hell did you get to?!" line :D :p
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26 Oct 2013
I don't understand this. Why not just set it to 70? Where do you have to be that 4mph is going to make a significant difference?

Over a 100 mile journey, difference between 74 and 70 is 4 minutes, assuming you stay at 74 the entire time.
1) Speedo tolerance
2) 74 means you are passing probably 60-70% of traffic on a motorway which is cruising at 70 these days
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The other day I was following a colleague as well. He was going just a few mph quicker than me, he lucked out on the traffic at the roundabout which then meant he didn't get caught by the set of lights at the next junction. We ended up back at the hotel nearly 5 minutes apart on a 20 minute drive.

Or in other words, what you are describing is chance, which works both ways. The "you won't get there any quicker" argument is unfortunately disproven by the well established Time = Distance / Speed equation. Anything that goes against this is just random variables that could have gone either way.

The real moral of the story is that my company motor has a whole 10 BHP more than his and my fuel is covered in full by the company whereas his is expensed. There should be no situation that he is getting anywhere quicker than I am :p

EDIT - The other moral of the story is to not pass up opportunities like this. He was just waiting around in the car park for me. Personally, I'd have sprinted in to the bar, ordered a pint, instantly downed half of it so when he comes in I could give him the "where the hell did you get to?!" line :D :p

Yeah it can go both ways but rarely is the difference meaningful IMO - unless it is going down to the wire trying to catch a train or something like that. Though I've done some not great overtakes to get past people doing 40 MPH everywhere, even though it probably made about 2 minutes difference to my journey, because they are so annoying to sit behind.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I like to cruise most days now at 70 on the motorway which is about 66 in actual GPS speed as all cars have speedo tolerance which is always higher than actual speed. This means when I come to a car to overtake, the ITBs and induction noise at 3000rpm is rather pleasing to my ears and I enjoy that a lot more than cruising at a high speed :cool:
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