Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse

Movie of the year for me so far I don't know what I will enjoy more than this , the audience was laughing though out has to be seen on the big screen like top gun hopefully back over for part 2 :D


Go see bruv :D
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Movie of the year for me so far I don't know what I will enjoy more than this , the audience was laughing though out has to be seen on the big screen like top gun hopefully back over for part 2 :D


Go see bruv :D

Glad you enjoyed it. I was walking into this with some expectation as there was a lot hype and positive reviews giving this 9)10 etc and I wasn't disappointed.
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Oh man… just got back from the cinema.

So, I went in totally blind, being quite fond of the first film.

As an immediate minor criticism, the first half of the film is perhaps a little flabby and may have benefited from a 15 minute trim, but from when it gets going… oh boy is it good. It’s really good.

Generally, fantastic and captivating. Beautifully animated, beautifully edited, well seasoned with humour too. I very much appreciated that it took it slow at meaningful points so the characters could breathe and feel ‘real’ - to clarify my previous paragraph, it is not the ‘more poignant’ parts of the film that most obviously warranted a trim.

I even found myself thinking - “wow, I’m really going to sing about this film!”.

But then, it totally and utterly ****ed it. It may not be obvious why to some so I’ll spoiler it… but it’s not really a spoiler. Maybe knowing this in advance would have saved it for me.

When, before it ended, I realised it was positioning itself to not conclude, I had the most grumpy, eye-rolling face imaginable

”To be continued”


Seriously, **** off? I turned to my wife who also had an expression of “ugh” / disapproval on her face. I actually almost boo’ed, but instead just said “oh, **** off” out loud.

Why, oh ****ing why, did this need to be extended into another film? It didn’t. It, achingly, didn’t need another film to conclude it. It could have very comfortably concluded by making 15 minutes of edits to the early film, then extending the run time by only 10-15 minutes or so. I have all the emotional resonance I need from the film and its characters. Be bold and conclude it!

Sadly, I feel this weakens the whole. Extending things out rarely makes them better. The film would have been red hot if it had wrapped up the whole thing then and there.

Otherwise, I only had one minor gripe (a true spoiler now):

The film was poking fun at adults over exposing their boring children, at the same time as presenting us with a boring child :confused:

Please, just get that child as far out of the film as possible. The whole ‘the baby has done a poo’ humour is super basic and below the standards of the rest of the film. Go away.

So, yeah… I would have given it somewhere between 9-10/10… but a film that makes you resent it by the time the credits roll has definitely made a mistake.

I’d emotively give it a 1/10 for being so ****ing annoying, but I’ll temper myself to a far more reasonable 8/10 based on its compelling strengths.
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Watched it last night. I think it's pretty much a 10/10 for me. Every frame, without hyperbole, just oozes creativity and passion. The different animation styles were unique and sublime to watch, with Gwen's scenes being a standout.

Call me a sappy crybaby, but as someone who did a degree in computer animation solely because I was so inspired by Toy Story (though ultimately I didn't pursue it as a career, but I digress), I was just completely hit with awe and felt a bit overwhelmed taking it all in initially; something I felt similarly with The Tale of Princess Kaguya. Animation like this is just so much more interesting to watch than Dreamworks animated CGI snorefest #356, and I can see this being an inspiration-sparking movie to a lot of youngsters watching it, the same way Toy Story was for me. I'm going to love watching Corridor Crew break this down.

I loved the actual story too; the whole multiverse inter-connecting spiderweb and canon story aspect is all integrated very well IMO, and Miles wanting to go against that and be his own person with his own story felt very apt for a teenage Spider-Man story.

That said, there are a couple of minor points I would say, like a lot of the action scenes dragged on maybe a few minutes too long each, so overall it could have lost about 10-15mins to make it a bit tighter. A lot of them were just far too hectic to fully keep up with after a while, and they kind of all...devolved (for want of a better term) into flying at breakneck speeds and zipping through tiny cracks.

Overall it was amazing though. Might go see it another time.
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I thought it was tremendous. I just sat there thinking what a visual treat. The styles, the colours, I just loved it. I think its going to be best seen on the big screen though. Unless you have a ridiculous sized TV at home, you're going to miss out. I agree about the end though.
I wish I'd gone to see this in IMAX. When I saw the trailer for the first one years ago I had no interest in seeing it, but with an Unlimited card I'll happily see any rubbish if dragged along and was very impressed by it. This one builds on it and keeps the senses overwhelmed with animation and music which needs a good immersive screen and sound system to fully appreciate. Can't wait for the next installment.
Finally watched it and it was really good. As good as the 1st, maybe even slightly better. I didn't like some of the computer animation in the sequel, they used far too many different styles for my liking. But the story was really tight and you also see the 1st film in a whole new light. Fingers crossed the writers strike doesn't affect the final part of the trilogy coming out next year. I'm a sucker for these ,multivers-ey things anyway, but it was cool how they mixed in so many different spider-men from over the decades.

8/10 I think, will definitely watch again in a couple of months.

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