Fair enough.
You're wrong though.
I'm not trying to be argumentative and can accept that you love this game - I thought God of War was brilliant from start to finish and other folk moaned about that - but it's interesting that you mention Arkham Knight. That's my least favourite of the three Arkham games and I just think City beats this hands down (although maybe that's the nostagia talking).
I don't have a problem with the token system in principle, it was just that for me every time I cleared a task and thought I could move on they dumped more of the same on me e.g. do 5 crimes in each district - no problem. Then there's 5 demon crimes, 5 convict crimes, then there's 5 sable crimes, then 5 maggia crimes! FFS! Enough already with the crimes!
A bit more variety would have helped, especially if these things spawned off parts of the storyline. It's just padding for the sake of it.
I can't remember how they dealt with this in Arkham City? Didn't you just gain XP from playing the game that you could spend on the suit upgrades?