Spiderman 3

Clarkey said:
should be great, afterall it has kirtsen dunst :p

Apparently this film was indirectly aimed at Japanese women (supposedly they make up more of the cinema goers in Japan) so it's all about Kirsten looking very plain and in the background while the "man candy" strut their stuff.
2 wasn't bad.

What do you know
about high society?

- Oh. Well, l...
- Don't answer that.
My society photographer got hit in the
head by a polo ball. You're all I got.
Big party for an American hero.
My son, the astronaut.
Could you pay me in advance?
You serious? Pay you for what?
Standing there?

Although you would have thought 'Doc Oc' would have put at least 2 inhibitor chips in his octopus arm suits.
sandman is the most gash villain evor.

although I nearly shot my load last year in the cinema - was watching the trailers before a film and the usual s3 one came on...but it was the one with the slightest glimpse of venom in it...I did one of those gasp-and-point-at-the-screen things.

!bluetonic! said:
2 wasn't bad.

What do you know
about high society?

- Oh. Well, l...
- Don't answer that.
My society photographer got hit in the
head by a polo ball. You're all I got.
Big party for an American hero.
My son, the astronaut.
Could you pay me in advance?
You serious? Pay you for what?
Standing there?

Although you would have thought 'Doc Oc' would have put at least 2 inhibitor chips in his octopus arm suits.

The problem with the inhibitors was that he overclocked them to much :D. To much V core not enough cooling. Shoulda gone phase!

My beef with spiderman is, infantile or not, the animations are just so amateur and dire. This film will look in 5 years like The Scorpion King. The first spiderman special (d)effects already look like last year console game animations inserted into movie. There is just no excuse with that budget!

Oh, and Dunst should start watching her on screen mimics - she looks asleep most of the time with half closed droppy eyes. Two words hun. Pro Plus. ;)
loved both the spiderman films, have high hopes for this one as well.. i always think dunst looks like she needs to lay off the crack though, swear in half the scenes in the second film she looked about 80.

Venom is an awesome badguy, expect carnage to be in the next one.. venom but cooler :D
Think I will go to the cinema and watch it on friday afternoon last time i went was to watch Star Wars EP III, should be good on the big screen.
Im going to see it during the day over here -
I asked my mate who saw it at the midnight showing last night (nerd!) what it was like and I said I had heard 'mixed reviews' -
He said 'mixed reviews' was best way to describe it - :( not as good as the first two :(
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i see the ocuk gang of "if its popular it must be crap" are back

ocuk.....where the only films your allowed to say you like have to be unknown or asian :p
i see the ocuk gang of "if its popular it must be crap" are back

Eh?? No one has given a review yet - seems more so that everyone is more than excited to go see it reading the thread :)

I will be seeing it later today but I already know it probably wont be nearly as good as the first one (which was far better than the 2nd)
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