Spiderman 3

sja360 said:

anyone else notice how PP turned emo when wearing the black spidey suit (venom)?

i'd rate it a good 8/9 outta 10. tbh who cares really about the CGI Graphics? i mean it doesnt look THAT bad.

Probably everyone in the cinema, it was ment to be obvious that the suit was effecting him.
8,9 :eek: thats insane, CGI was good, story line was weaker than a paper bridge in the rain.
7/10. Weakest by a country mile. They runied Venom through the lack of screen time and I just didn't buy why he hated Parker (also he didn't refer to himself a "We" which I was really looking forward too!). Either him or Sandman would have made excellent villians if they had be the sole villian.

I'm gutted. Good movie, just not what I was expecting.

There wasn't an action sequence as good a the train fight in Spider-Man 2 either. Which also left me feeling a bit ripped off.
Absolutely 100% rubbish! 4/10

Good action film.. rubbish Spidey movie.

Totally spoilt with poor story and the information they needed to convey i.e. the symbiote stuff and the butlers sudden appearance were so badly done they really dragged it down.

Obviously, what topped it off for me was the whole pelvic thrust sequence.. unneccesary and totally inappropriate. 'NUFF SAID' :mad:

Looking forward to Silver Surfer now tbh
I never saw what was so great about the first two anyway...I always thought they were rubbish, and Tobey Maguire just seemed a bit too pathetic to be Spiderman, imo. I never read the comics though, so what do I know...

I did have some hope for 3 to be good though, because it looked a bit darker, but judging by the comments on here, maybe not. :p
for the hardcore fans? not at all, i'm not hardcore, but my friend who is a not hardcore fan but collected comics for money did read them as kids and knows that one of the cartoon series is fairly damn good compared to the comic, and has very very good stories. the first two films are weak as hell, not awful, some good stuff. but generic slightly ugly girl screaming constantly ruins both films. they needed a much much hotter, curvier proper redhead girl whose life doesn't rotate around the ridiculous , so bad at acting a soap tells her to take lessons, then a broadway theatre suddenly think she's great and she's famous, then she's not again and she's crap at acting in this film.

this film is truly awful, i mean beyond the ridiculous. the walking down the street dancing, the pointing.travalta hand close ups, wtf, i mean, it feels like someone was on crack when he was converting the comics to a screenplay.

a true fan anyway, would hate this and its utter ridiculousness and not having any kind of recognisable story. general action i think wasn't great, acting, appaling, story, utterly terrible, effects are pretty poor. just nothing good about it at all.

yes i also agree that maguire, while a very good actor, is just not peter parker. ffs, peter parker is supposed to be the all american football quarter back with blonde hair. thats how he's portrayed anyway, just that he was always a geek. but he's supposed to be a tall and built guy who all the girls like, and maguire doesn't fit that billing at all. miscast, mis scripted, mis directed, mishit.
drunkenmaster said:
yes i also agree that maguire, while a very good actor, is just not peter parker. ffs, peter parker is supposed to be the all american football quarter back with blonde hair. thats how he's portrayed anyway, just that he was always a geek. but he's supposed to be a tall and built guy who all the girls like, and maguire doesn't fit that billing at all. miscast, mis scripted, mis directed, mishit.

that is SO wrong!

peter parker is a nerd, no girls liked him at school or anything. Built???? he is supposed to be puny and weak.

where did you get this "information"?

you're completely wrong, he wasn't a tiny little picked on by bullies 3 foot nerd with superman glasses. he wasn't built like a tank, but show me one comic where he's smaller, dressed as peter parker, than all the other friends, teachers and people? its like clark kent, he's a nerd, but a big built, tall, good looking nerd that the chicks like as both superman and clark kent. spiderman was the same, mary jane and him were always friends, he gets mary jane, whose billed as the super hottest chick ever, as peter parker. he also gets a lot of other chicks who lust after him as both peter parker and as spidey.

try not basing your opinions of what spiderman should be from the films.

EDIT:- from what i recall of spider, firstly because he's a genius, he made quite a few things to help him do his thing, which never comes into the films. also, he's supposed to be a sarcastic, witty guy who angers people in fights with what he says to throw get them to make mistakes. again something that just doesn't appear. he was a lack of confidence, geeky but tall and good looking guy who once he gets his powers gains confidence and gets the chicks but none of that comes across in the films at all. his sarcasm and how he talks to his enemy's is probably the funniest/best part of the character and its entirely missing, but thats fair, the writers(crackheads) can barely come up with normal dialogue, asking them to be witty would be entirely unfair. i mean they only make millions of dollars.

lest we forget gwen stacy( i remember from checking wiki and some sites, but when reading remember it from the cartoons too), his college girlfriend, who the green goblin kills. then he bangs mary jane, then the hot Black Cat, and flirts with every chick in the cartoon. nope, he's a small goblin geek with black hair who, dances?
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*FLASH* said:
Saw it at 1pm today. Its a good film that follows the new cartoon series. However I didnt expect what happened at the end to happen ;)

I guess we dont get Carnage in number 4 :P

actually not all of it was destroyed, remember the professor guy still has the sample parker gave him
Someone needs to get hold of this film and edit out some of the needless scenes and add some proper backstory.
The pacing and mood are both very inconsistent and some of the plot turns are so clumsily hammered in you wonder if one of the Hollyoaks screenwriters was on the staff. It felt like Sam Raimi just wanted to get it out the door so he can get back to a project that the moneymen aren't fiddling with.
Almost as disappointing as X-men 3. 5/10.
I thought the film was ok to watch once, but it wasn't anything special. It was far too busy to really enjoy properly. My boyfriend is quite into Spiderman, so I had been versed on all the characters before we went, and, to be honest, I don't think I would have got most of it if I hadn't been.

There really can't have been many comic book fans in the audience, because there were only a couple of laughs when Stan Lee appeared. I thought his lines were really cheesy :p.

I knew that they'd use the cartoon venom story instead of the original Secret Wars one, but I think it made more sense in the context of the film. I wasn't impressed with the last Sandman scene, it just seemed unnatural and silly. It would have been nice to see more of Gwen Stacy and Eddie Brock too, since they are major characters in the comics, but I guess Sam Raimi was just trying to get too much in one film, and there really wasn't space :(.

Absolutely laughable. The acting and scripting were extremely poor with the exception of Topher Grace and Bruce Campbell.

At some point nearly every character balled their eyes out, that 'BOP!' moment when Harry tapped Mary Jane on the head, the awful Peter Parker strut/Anchorman Jazz flute scene, the slow pacing and the excessive pauses between 'dramatic' lines.

This film was terrible and if I hadn't been with mates who were all laughing their heads off at it I'd have been bored senseless.

I'd give it 5/10 of which four of those come from unintentional comedy and the Sandman CGI.
I went to the late viewing last night, was surprised how empty it was.

I thought that if you never read the comic books, and just watched the cartoon's and the films then it was an action packed good film. But I grew up on the comic and like most I have certain standards that must be adhered too, some of the parts were ok, but they missed out on some of the little important things.


The way they brought in the symbiote was really weak, they could have done this at the end of the second film with that vortex that opended up from Doc Ock.

I liked the cameo role with Stan Lee, talking to Peter Parker, as soon as I heard his voice I knew it was the Legend himself :cool:

The little things I missed were when the symbiote was hanging on the chair it came over and put on the spidy suit for Peter, like it did in the comic.

Not sure about gwen Stacy, I am sure she died at the hand of Spidy and a fight with the Green Goblin, not sure how there gonna sort that out out???

I would like them to do the Red Skull at some point, along with Parkers parents, but I don't think that will ever happen :(
drunkenmaster said:

when he was at school and he was a nerd with glasses no girls liked him! it was only after when he got bitten by the spider that all that changed.

he didnt need glasses, his physique (sp) changed and his personality chnaged.

so peter parker was always an intelligent loser basically.
EVH said:
Absolutely 100% rubbish! 4/10

Totally spoilt with poor story and the information they needed to convey i.e. the symbiote stuff and the butlers sudden appearance were so badly done they really dragged it down.

Obviously, what topped it off for me was the whole pelvic thrust sequence.. unneccesary and totally inappropriate. 'NUFF SAID' :mad:

Looking forward to Silver Surfer now tbh

Quoted for truth :o
I've just seen it and I think that Spiderman 3 gives teaches a valuable lesson:

"How to ruin a 2 hour film in the last 5 minutes."

Disgusting. The spec fx and fights and all were awesome, plus the hot hot gwen stacey girl, however.... the last 5 minutes were soooo bad that I wanted to cry...

"I forgive you, *tear...*"
Saw it today, I thought a lot of the movie was bad, bad acting, the first CGI fight between Peter and Harry was awful, and some scenes were just so cheesy and weird....yet, I still enjoyed it, not sure why really, but I did enjoy it. I still think 1 is the best as it takes on a 'realistic' approach, so does 2 but that was a bit long and romantic for my liking, 3 however felt too cartoony and some of the lines were just awful. The banter between spiderman and harry in the last fight was just shocking.

The best thing about the movie, no question, Gwen Stacy, I could not believe how good Bryce Dallas Howard looked in this movie. In my opinion, she was up with some of the best looking women I have ever seen here.
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