Spiders everywhere!

Might be worth posting this up then on the BTS if you're noticeing it as well??

What about Lostkat/Lopéz/big-loader?? Any shortage of housespiders in your places?
Barbie said:
Might be worth posting this up then on the BTS if you're noticeing it as well??

What about Lostkat/Lopéz/big-loader?? Any shortage of housespiders in your places?

A local guy who keeps Ts also said exactly the same to me. His exact words were "Have you noticed any house spiders around the place lately?", and he was sporting a knowing grin. It was only then that it occurred to me that I hadn't.

Good point Neil, we should combine resources and do that :)
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Lostkat said:
It's not as if they sit there watching you, or even care :) QUOTE]

Belly laugh for that one. :D
I wasn't even thinking about them watching me but now you mention it how many eyes is that in total then. 20 x 8 is a lot of eyes. :p
For me i would not be able to perform under such stressful situations. Leon is odviously much harder than me or i am just a big jessie. :)

ps. i just know someone is going to tell me spiders dont have 8 eyes. :o
Lostkat said:
Yeah, I've suddenly got tonnes of tarantulas wandering around my room :confused: Funny thing is, they're all in thanks too. No idea where they all came from ;)

I hate spiders, but I feel sorry for some of those that look as though they're doomed to spend the rest of their creepy lives in a plastic cup :( :eek: ;)
how come you have so many spiders lostkat? and is one of them in a nescafe jar? :eek: how does it breathe!?
malc30 said:
ps. i just know someone is going to tell me spiders dont have 8 eyes. :o

Ok, then :D

Some true spiders, for example ones from the genus Segestriidae have six eyes :)

All tarantulas have eight eyes. Mounted nicely on a little turret called the ocular tubercle. Most of them can't see very well apparently, they mainly use vibrations to detect prey, although the arboreal species like Poecilotheria supposedly have much better eyesight than the terrestrial species.

Jumping spiders Salticidae are the most evolved of the true spiders. They have eight eyes, two massive ones in the front, two smaller ones (but still large next to them) and four on the top of their head. They have very good eyesight and a sizeable brain compared to other true spiders.
taliesyn said:
Jumping spiders

I was doing pretty well until you said that - now I have crawlly skin :o

I try my hardest not to be scared of spiders, I know its a silly irrational fear, but my skin and imagination have a habit of ignorning these facts :o
stig said:
how come you have so many spiders lostkat? and is one of them in a nescafe jar? :eek: how does it breathe!?

In common with all other tarantulas, through it's four booklungs I would imagine :p

Air holes are cunningly provided :D

Old No.7 said:
I hate spiders, but I feel sorry for some of those that look as though they're doomed to spend the rest of their creepy lives in a plastic cup :(

In the wild Tarantulas generally have very limited territory. They are also opportunistic hunters in that they just catch whatever's wandering past. With notable exceptions they don't wander around actively hunting. Mature males will go for a walk to find females, but that's about it.

They spend most of their time in a burrow or retreat, where all of their legs are touching the sides, so they get stressed out if given too big an enclosure.
Takhisis said:
I was doing pretty well until you said that - now I have crawlly skin :o

I try my hardest not to be scared of spiders, I know its a silly irrational fear, but my skin and imagination have a habit of ignorning these facts :o

My mrs. was also terrified of them, and I mean terrified. Since we got the tarantulas though, she's pretty much fine with spiders now. As long as you don't say 'Baboon Spider' to her. For some reason she hasn't quite got round to liking them yet, and shudders every time you say it :)

Not only does she help me feed them, she asked me if I would buy her a spiderling, which I've done (a beautiful little 1cm Chaco Golden Knee). This is a woman who would previously scream her head off if there was a spider in the bedroom! My daughter is after a baby white knee tarantula now too. What have I done!

The transformation's incredible. I think it's because she now understands what they're all about, and that they're not all out to kill us.

I think we're conditioned from an early age to be afraid of them. Creepy crawlies and all that. They're fascinating things when you learn about them though.

Takhisis - jumping spiders are completely harmless I promise you.
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I don't doubt that they are harmless, and I wouldn't class myself as terrified of them - I just have a strong dislike of them and a sense of avoidance where-ever they are

I can look at spiders when they're in tanks and be ok, I could probably even look at one if you were holding it on your hand, as long as I didn't have to touch it or it move to much/fast. I also seem to be less afraid of tarantulas than I am of house spiders.
ok, so to get rid of these damned house spiders, i either invest in a flame thrower and risk burning my house down, or get a couple of Ts?

hmm, im still on for the flame thrower!
I am having trouble with my chilie rose 1cm spiderling at the moment, feeding on fruit flys but the little buggers climb through the vent holes! any other alternative food?


They are flightless fruit flys, I keep the spiderling in a mini viv with a film pot for her burrow (she just decides to dig her own burrow, never uses the pot) and for water a cola bottle cap with a soaked cotton bud inside it. May I also mention I have had her for 6 weeks now and she has not even made a web yet.
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Lee2k4 said:
I am having trouble with my chilie rose 1cm spiderling at the moment, feeding on fruit flys but the little buggers climb through the vent holes! any other alternative food?


They are flightless fruit flys, I keep the spiderling in a mini viv with a film pot for her burrow (she just decides to dig her own burrow, never uses the pot) and for water a cola bottle cap with a soaked cotton bud inside it. May I also mention I have had her for 6 weeks now and she has not even made a web yet.

Plain white maggots from the fishing tackle shop (don't get the coloured ones) :)

Some web, some don't. I have four Tanzanian chestnut spiderlings in some mini food tubs from Poundstretchers and they have webbed them up incredibly, and also burrowed into the substrate (I'll see if I can get some pics up later if I remember when I get home). I also have a Chaco Golden Knee sling, who lives in the same type of pot with 1/4 of a film pot for a hide and he hasn't webbed at all.

My subadult female Chile Rose made a web to moult a while ago, but that's it. She doesn't generally web either, so don't worry about it.
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Takhisis said:
I can look at spiders when they're in tanks and be ok, I could probably even look at one if you were holding it on your hand, as long as I didn't have to touch it or it move to much/fast. I also seem to be less afraid of tarantulas than I am of house spiders.

I can quite understand that. I got an Indian Ornamental tarantula - Poecilotheria regalis (about 4cm in size) the other week, and the speed of the thing is incredible. It's beautiful to look at though, but it certainly demands respect when feeding or cleaning its pot. It's got some cork bark in the pot with it and will sometimes charge round and round the top of the bark when you go to open the lid.

All the other supremely experienced T owners on here are laughing at the n00b now :p

There is something primevally scary about speedy/jumping spiders though. I know what you're saying.

Lee2k4 said:
Ahh, never thought of that, shall be heading to the fishing shop then later on today, cheers.

Just seen these videos on BTS forum, the speed it catches this cricket is just :eek:



They don't mess about do they :p
McNutter said:
Has anyone else noticed loads of spiders around over the last few weeks?


This monster was on my wall and was swiftly dispatched. They are everywhere! :mad:

Ya, I actually saw one of these:

Joking by the way. :p
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Plus-44 said:
Thats gotta be a worst nightmare come true!


I had one on my head once when I was sleeping, I was half awake and scratched my head and something crawled over my hands :eek: Wasnt small either, had come out of the air duct above my head I think and it'd been there at least 20 minutes or so.

How long could an escaped pet tarantula live for, not enough food in a house but outside in a forest during summer say ?

We had one spider bigger then my two hands in our house once, so big it couldnt hang upside down anymore due to its own weight. Was very thin though, we sucked it up with the hoover and put it outside
not exactly a spider, but i found a small cockroach walking around our bathroom last night. Absolutly bricked it, how can such a small thing be so scary?? I promptly got some tissue and did the old catch and flush, mouth open and grimmicing as i did it. Makes me wonder if there's more of the critters? I think i worked out where he came from, small hole underneath the sink which i will have to cover up.

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