Spiders everywhere!

what a load of girly mamby pambies you all are, scared of itsy bitsy teeny weeny harmless house spiders, lol,
house spiders are useful, what do you think they eat ? other less desirable creepy crawlies - thats what, & that includes the larvae of the fleas off your other pets as well as a host of other minute parasites.
reminds me of the time a pet shop near me burnt down.. 20 tanks of spiders etc escaped.. next to houses tarantula's etc.. *shrudders*...hate the thought of 100 or so spiders..in your garden..the size of your pet cat..
Syk3 said:
reminds me of the time a pet shop near me burnt down.. 20 tanks of spiders etc escaped.. next to houses tarantula's etc.. *shrudders*...hate the thought of 100 or so spiders..in your garden..the size of your pet cat..
Hardly cat-sized.

They wouldn't exactly last long in the wild either...

smoove said:
Because of the cold weather? What would they eat over here if they escaped?
Small creepy crawlies, mainly. i.e. House flies, grasshoppers, moths, mice, cats, sheep, HUMANS :eek:
No idea but the vast majority of arachnids hate cedar in any shape or form. It's generally poisonous to them.
Found this guy in the bathroom the other day :p

Jumped out of my skin when something big and hairy with 8 legs crawled out of a box of bananas where I was working, once. Some big macho assistant jumped on it before I could catch it though.
penski said:
*Waits for someone to trot out the daddy long legs myth*

Thats just confusion people have.
Its a big misconception. Daddy long legs are highly venomous but there fangs are too small to bit through a humans skin.
Its actually a spider that looks like the Daddy long legs called the Fiddle back, they look almost identical except for there tail(abdomen/arse :confused: )
The fiddle back can harm people but im not sure to what extent
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