***SPOILERS*** Football 4th-6th Dec '10

Said it before will say it again, Nasri's really getting some consistency and form. Great two goals today.

Fulham were nothing more than unlucky, they could have quite easily beaten us. Defence and defensive midfield were all over the place. :/
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What's so exciting about Nasri is that he can score from anywhere, he can shoot inside the box, or outside, can dribble in from the wings and score or can start a move from his own box and finish it. Becoming a very good player, few better attacking midfielders than him out there this season
Sorry if it's been said already, I'm just joining the thread. Both of Nasri's goals could easily win December goal of the month based on the others I've seen so far. I don't know which was more jizz worthy, the first with the two fake shots or the second with the quick feet. He's putting in some amazing performances of late and fingers crossed he doesn't pick up a knock which would be pretty typical of Arsenal if he did. I still think we'll need some decent defenders if we want to go all the way.
If the MOTD lads can spot it, why can't wenger! We're too weak at the back to win the league, and we have been for the past 4 seasons!!! We are potentially a vermaelen partner away from winning it! Speaking of vermaelen, anyone know when he's due back?
What's so exciting about Nasri is that he can score from anywhere, he can shoot inside the box, or outside, can dribble in from the wings and score or can start a move from his own box and finish it. Becoming a very good player, few better attacking midfielders than him out there this season

If fabregas goes to Barcelona this summer, I sure nasri can take up the role.
Why do City players never pass to Toure when in an attacking position?

You're making that assumption off MOTD highlights aren't you? :p Fulham? We really missed him against Stoke, he's a really strong driving force from midfeild. Thing with being the driving force is you often find yourself at the back of attacking movements.

Must have really pained Hansen to give us credit today, still trying to end on a negative with Tevez being unhappy about coming off though. Not even the highlights show the lesson we gave Bolton today. Shame they didn't throw in much about Balotelli either because he was bloody excellent. They could have had a highlight reel on his little tricks today alone.

Edit: If Mick Mcarthy was nearly half as good as a manager as he was at giving interviews he'd make Mourinho look like Rafa. What a legend.
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We were outplayed by spurs in the first half but we deserved a goal in the second half. We defo need a striker in January but a great bonus is our defence is solid. Great point for us today !!!

Edit: what was Hutton playing at, that was a red card!!! Was he tryin a zidane style headbutt
Birmingham are a tidy side.

Good manager and got some decent players.

Still were shockingly dirty the year they got promoted :(
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