st georges day

23 Feb 2006
came to thinking over the weekend after seeing the parades put on for the irish and couldnt help getting annoyed about how rubbish this country is that we all celebrate st paddys day yet when comes to our own patrion st it just passes by without anyone realising it doesnt no one care why cant the english have a **** up on st georges day and parades in the st just makes me feel ashamed to be english that we have to celebrate other ppl holidays instead of our own .

sorry just really got to me needede somewhere to vent.

No swearing


my bad sorry .
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It's not like we celebrate any other Saints days though. St. Patrick's Day is only celebrated so widely because:

a) It's a Guinness-commercialised holiday and an excuse for people to get drunk for no real reason.
b) Being Irish is "cool", especially for Americans.
Obviously its not celebrated in Croydon, but you sure know its St. Georges day in Cambridge.

What really annoys me is that Ireland get a days holiday for St. Patricks day, Scotland for St. Andrews day, don't know about Wales but we don't!
If you fly a St Georges cross you are labelled as a member of the BNP, and the ethnic majorities of this once great country would be offended.
Mr Mag00 said:
If you fly a St Georges cross you are labelled as a member of the BNP, and the ethnic majorities of this once great country would be offended.
Or a chav.
Mr Mag00 said:
If you fly a St Georges cross you are labelled as a member of the BNP, and the ethnic majorities of this once great country would be offended.

not anymore, they just reversed the ruling stoping people flying george cross flags
platypus said:
Obviously its not celebrated in Croydon, but you sure know its St. Georges day in Cambridge.

What really annoys me is that Ireland get a days holiday for St. Patricks day, Scotland for St. Andrews day, don't know about Wales but we don't!

thats what i'm saying it doesnt benefit to be english this once great country because it was a great country has gone to the dogs(immigrants) its about time the goverment started doin gthings for its ppl rather than everyone else i mean how hard is it to turn around and say from now on all english can have st georges day of a small thing like that would go such along way .

i've never seen a pub in croydon celebrating st goerges day i'd be in there if was but there all happy to jump on paddys day in recent day s really have started to feel ashamed about being enlgish.
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Before acknowledging a saints day for our country I'd like to see a decent saint.

I have no allegiance to a patron saint that a) wasn't born here, b) didn't live here and c) isn't exclusively ours.
Gilly said:
Before acknowledging a saints day for our country I'd like to see a decent saint.

I have no allegiance to a patron saint that a) wasn't born here, b) didn't live here and c) isn't exclusively ours.

hmmm, well i take your point.

however i shoudl imagine we picked him up as patron saint in the crusades. i suppose it must be more for what he represents than anything else. having said that i dont really know what that is.

woudl you not support the ideal a patron saint represents?
Gilly said:
Before acknowledging a saints day for our country I'd like to see a decent saint.

I have no allegiance to a patron saint that a) wasn't born here, b) didn't live here and c) isn't exclusively ours.

just refering to that thatsa all the paddys dont have problem with a welsh born saint i dont care where georgy boy was born fact is he's saint of england yet has no reconition yet there'll happily organise parades through streets of london for a irish one .
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platypus said:
Obviously its not celebrated in Croydon, but you sure know its St. Georges day in Cambridge.

What really annoys me is that Ireland get a days holiday for St. Patricks day, Scotland for St. Andrews day, don't know about Wales but we don't!

I'm sorry but we dont get a paid holiday for St Andrews Day. I wish we did but alas, as usual it seam in this country (UK) it is incorrect to celebrate your country of origin in-case it offends non-english, non-scottish, non-welsh etc. However if your Irish (or not) St Patricks day is massive. Again I agree its a Guiness Funded Celebration. How big would it be here if there were no funding, no free bevvy, no free t-shirts and daft hats?
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so if a beer company tried to back saint georges day you reckon we'd get all the perks off paddy day doubt it it'll be stopped after a year because so ethnic would complain and goverment would listen to them rqather than its own ppl .
Swordfish said:
I'm sorry but we dont get a paid holiday for St Andrews Day. I wish we did but alas, as usual it seam in this country (UK) it is incorrect to celebrate your country of origin in-case it offends non-english, non-scottish, non-welsh etc. However if your Irish (or not) St Patricks day is massive. Again I agree its a Guiness Funded Celebration. How big would it be here if there were no funding, no free bevvy, no free t-shirts and daft hats?

Sorry I don't buy that, there has never been a problem of celebrating being Scottish or anything connected with this country. Flying the Saltire or Lion Rampant has no sinister connotations what so ever.
Mr Mag00 said:
If you fly a St Georges cross you are labelled as a member of the BNP

Is that a fact, or is it an excuse?

If people really wanted to celebrate then why would they care how they were labelled - especially when the accusation is so patently absurd.
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