What is that?
Not having much luck finding tools for the upgrader ><
Just got this game, should i install these mods from the start you think? Just been wondering if i should start it vanilla or modded?http://stalker.filefront.com/file/Terrain_Pack;94510
vastly improves the ground textures.
It's a clear sky mod but it works in CoP
I'm running that + the atmosfear mod
Which makes blowouts look amazing
Also it makes it so that on a clear day you can see for miles (no annoying fog of war)
But thunder storms are awesome with it on
Sawmill for basic tools, Workshop for calibration tools. The last set of tools are in the next zone i think.
Just got this game, should i install these mods from the start you think? Just been wondering if i should start it vanilla or modded?
Yes, and the first lot of items (you can order more) are worth the money IMO.
They have special features that the normal weapons/suits don't have.
I quite like the Assault rifle called 'Storm' which is a Tunder S14 modified to take 5.45mm ammo.
Ah, well I didn't know that actually!
So, its better to 'find' a gun and go through the upgrade process then?
But, as you say, money isn't a problem. In fact I'm loaded!!!! (can't sell that Oasis artfact anywhere tho'!)
I've had absolutely 0 luck with artifacts so far. Aside from the wheel you're sent to find on the boat i haven't seen a single 1.
I was tempted to get the Sniper Rifle from him, something with very good long range accuracy and a scope, just the way i like it.
I've had absolutely 0 luck with artifacts so far. Aside from the wheel you're sent to find on the boat i haven't seen a single 1.
I was tempted to get the Sniper Rifle from him, something with very good long range accuracy and a scope, just the way i like it.
I've had absolutely 0 luck with artifacts so far. Aside from the wheel you're sent to find on the boat i haven't seen a single 1.
I was tempted to get the Sniper Rifle from him, something with very good long range accuracy and a scope, just the way i like it.
I've had absolutely 0 luck with artifacts so far. Aside from the wheel you're sent to find on the boat i haven't seen a single 1.
I was tempted to get the Sniper Rifle from him, something with very good long range accuracy and a scope, just the way i like it.