Well, a short but sweet 2 missions. Did the 2nd campaign mission twice, first time had Shi stuck in the captains seat, unable to swap around, and me desperately trying to swap between the other 3. Failed a few bits and pieces. 2nd time around had me in the captains seat (albeit only very very briefly, mostly swapping between engineer and tactical), with Shi learning to pilot, and doing a pretty decent job of it! Completed everything perfectly that time (well, ignoring hull damage).
New learnings! Closer you are to a transport target, the faster you lock onto signals. Not sure if it gets faster as you get closer, or it's only from the moment you push the lock on button though. Useful knowledge either way. Next, when an enemy ship comes out of cloak, if you hit it before it's shields are fully up, they get stuck at whatever % you hit them at (well, lower, since it knocks them down). Managed to destroy multiple enemies without taking a shot back, by blasting them out of the sky with a full phaser barrage and 2 torpedoes.
New learnings! Closer you are to a transport target, the faster you lock onto signals. Not sure if it gets faster as you get closer, or it's only from the moment you push the lock on button though. Useful knowledge either way. Next, when an enemy ship comes out of cloak, if you hit it before it's shields are fully up, they get stuck at whatever % you hit them at (well, lower, since it knocks them down). Managed to destroy multiple enemies without taking a shot back, by blasting them out of the sky with a full phaser barrage and 2 torpedoes.