US: Star Trek: Discovery

Is it worth watching yet or is it same as previous series?
You can ask a dozen people and get 15 answers. For me this season was much better so far then last season. Most of the people complaining are just ********** nick picking.
EDIT: Why is that * out? replace it with very sensitive people.
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it been reported that Star trek: Discovery has been renewed for a season 5 and that star trek: picard season 2 has a march 10 air dated
That wasn't a good episode :(

The fight scene was ridiculous and although it's great getting some of the other crew off the bridge and into some action but Joann Owosekun, i don't know if it was my audio, but i couldn't understand a word she was saying.

Also Saru, i understand the No 1 is there to advice, support etc, but his role seems to have been devolved into delivering platitudes, "you can do it Michael!"

Big plus, no binary crap and no porky Tilly , but overall, poor start to the season.
Jesus, 9 episodes in and we're still no further forward.

If this was TNG, they would have found the DMZ, made contact, spoke to the aliens, resolved the situation and sat down for a poker game with a cup of earl grey....all within a 45 minute episode.

Star Trek never felt the same after that writers strike.
Wow, I give this show a fair amount of leniency but it was as if the characters had just joined the ship. And just like last season they are dragging it out with revealing who the big baddies are. Writing was shocking.
I get so tired of this series. Why does Burnham's character continue to be the most illogical, unproductive Captain ever to be gifted a star ship.

She knows where Book is going. So, instead of informing her superiors and turning up with a fleet of ships from every ally within the Federation to blow his ship out of the sky - she goes undercover and plays moronic games in an attempt to appeal to his better instinct? And when she fails, just let him continue on his way? What a moron.
Wow, I give this show a fair amount of leniency but it was as if the characters had just joined the ship. And just like last season they are dragging it out with revealing who the big baddies are. Writing was shocking.
Whatever happened to

Some unknown phenomena happens.
Ship investigates
Gets trapped / caught up.
Enemy is discovered.
Captain punches / snogs an alien.
Arm the torpedoes, fire all phasers.
Rocks on the bridge.
They survive, just.
Shakespearian monologue by the captain.

All in one episode. Do we really need to drag one simple story out for an entire series.
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