Star Trek Online

Just been DC'd for the first time all night and now 528 in the queue. I hope this is just temporary.

Edit - ok it wasn't so bad, i minimised for a few minutes and when i checked again i was ingame.
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well i ended up in the queue @487 then 10 seconds later i was in ... just had an hour in game and apart from having to repeat one part of one mission for no apparent reasone it was working OK

Dont like the queue system and dont fancy our chances when the masses join up on 2nd so i hope they expand the server an awefull lot more in next couple of days

love Start Trek , love the game , dont like the server service provided so far and tech support dont seem great either
Well after hitting Lt com and fitted out my escort I now have three days of work ahead so will not get much chance to play now before the weekend.

Guess I will miss the chaos of the official release if nothing else.
After the server telling me to log out while i was gettin bad server responses i went out to the pub, and am glad am still here :) the server is a nightmare once america wakes up and logs on still.

"Dear Cryptic..

Shell out some cash you've most definately made for a European Server for us poor folk who have to suffer high high pings and frequent disconnects due to US server traffic.."

4 day head start, yeah right, i've managed 4 hours if im lucky :(
Sounds rough, I really dont understand why they have gone with the "single" server approach. It sounds like they already cant handle the population on the "single" server (particularly once all the north american based players login too) and its not even got the public masses in yet. Dont quite see why they didnt opt for multiple servers and spread the weight of people out a bit.
Server is coming down for more maintenance and a patch in 10 minutes, estimated downtime is 1 - 2 hours.

maybe found the cause of the problem (its not load, otherwise thered be horrendous lag, there seems to be a fundamental flaw in the server code atm)

or atleast part of it
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