Star Trek Online

Sorry to sound negative but the game is only a few days old & people are level 40+ Admirals?

Doesnt sound like this game has any lastability, I like a hard slog like EverQuest used to be back in the day where you work hard for what you get.

It should take along time to become an Admiral, sounds to be like everyone will be running around as Admirals within weeks, not very realistic in terms of Star Trek - it should be earnt by dedicated hard work.
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The problem is, people are rushing the game... Cryptic have mentioned releasing loads more content in the first month.

That's not a problem it happens in every single MMO that releases, some people powergame to the cap much quicker than everyone else. At the end of the day it doesn't affect anyone else and as long as the people who do it get enjoyment from it then all is good with the universe.
Sorry to sound negative but the game is only a few days old & people are level 40+ Admirals?

Doesnt sound like this game has any lastability

/points at the guy putting in 13 hours a day.

Progression is just fine for normal players as far as I can tell so far, a little on the slow side even. There's so much content thrown at you though that it doesn't seem slow.
Sorry to sound negative but the game is only a few days old & people are level 40+ Admirals?

Doesnt sound like this game has any lastability, I like a hard slog like EverQuest used to be back in the day where you work hard for what you get.

It should take along time to become an Admiral, sounds to be like everyone will be running around as Admirals within weeks, not very realistic in terms of Star Trek - it should be earnt by dedicated hard work.

It depends on how you play to be honest. It takes much longer to level if you play it "as intended" and follow the missions etc. If you blitz PvP or Fleet actions then you can level much faster. It is also much more casual friendly than EQ was "back in the day" god how I hated the grind from 50 - 60 before they made the changes. Endless days pulling mobs in The Grey just to level up...
I did all the missions and only did deep space encounters when i ran out of missions and patrol quests to get to the next level. Not very often either. Won't take long to get to Admiral for anyone, lets hope the new content will be out in about a month. Theres always klingons to play and pvp too.
So peeps. Whos brave enough to do "/played" :D

3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes :)

Sorry to sound negative but the game is only a few days old & people are level 40+ Admirals?

Doesnt sound like this game has any lastability, I like a hard slog like EverQuest used to be back in the day where you work hard for what you get.

It should take along time to become an Admiral, sounds to be like everyone will be running around as Admirals within weeks, not very realistic in terms of Star Trek - it should be earnt by dedicated hard work.

Only a handful and most people just farmed sector defend missions. At least lots of endgame content is on the way!
Being a star trek fan is a bonus obviously. How much do you like space games? Only you can answer the last question, do you get addicted to games easily? :D

I do really enjoy space games.

As for addiction, I generally either give up on games within 20 minutes or get addicted to them until completion, or in an MMO case errrr...

Maybe I will try and get the dissy finished early,,,haha
Got my gold edition from hmv this morning. Just got around to doing the keys for retail and the ds9 uniforms. When adding the uniform code it was saying its the gold version of the game and was askin me to subscribe, i did. Then i entered the retail key. Now when i entered ds9 key it said next billing date 7th march, with the retail key in its saying sometime in april so im thinking score for me 2 months free :D
Seriously, how gorgeous is this game :D

Cant get enough of this game! :D

Im even enjoying the away missions now, cannot think of any way I would like it improved (at least at the mo)

One question though, how do I play the Klingons? I only seem to have the option to play starfleet
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