Star Trek Online

so is this game worth it if your a star trek fan? ive not seen / played it at all as i try and steer clear of mmo's
Hmmm, I'm enjoying it, but like most cryptic games it's incredibly confusing initially.

Also, am I missing something, I've been playing most of yesterday and today and I've got to Level 5, does that sound about right? It does feel like I'm levelling very slowly.
Hmmm, I'm enjoying it, but like most cryptic games it's incredibly confusing initially.

Also, am I missing something, I've been playing most of yesterday and today and I've got to Level 5, does that sound about right? It does feel like I'm levelling very slowly.

There is no right or wrong speed to level :)

This game isn't about reaching the level cap, it is about your experience along the way and enjoying the missions/exploration/whatever else you want to do :)

Have you joined our OcUK fleet? Can be useful if you have questions.
Im at Lt Cmdr 2 now, having some trouble keeping my escort alive though, any tips?

Damage is superb though! Gotta love 2X dual canons, Attack Pattern Alpha and Canon Rapid fire :)
Im at Lt Cmdr 2 now, having some trouble keeping my escort alive though, any tips?

Damage is superb though! Gotta love 2X dual canons, Attack Pattern Alpha and Canon Rapid fire :)

Make sure you're putting points into Starship Command / Escort Captain. They give a chunky increase to the ships hull strength.

how do i join the fleet?
Just ask CaptainRAVE or something in game for an invite.
I am also in an escort as tac and I find I love my xxxxx teams, so science team, engy team and tactical team. I had to put extra points in the base team leader skills but the engy team is good for hull repair, tac team helps maintain crew and damage and science team for debuffs on shields etc.

i will also have hazard emitters to help with hull
I'm on lt.8, getting bored of my ship....! Whats the fastest way to level to 11 so that I can get my first escort ship? Is it just doing the missions?
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