Star Trek Online

I'm loving STO, i know there adding more content etc but does anyone feel thats its just a SP game and not an MMO i mean, i know theres fleet actions and people flying all over, just don't see what there is to do community side atm
I'm loving STO, i know there adding more content etc but does anyone feel thats its just a SP game and not an MMO i mean, i know theres fleet actions and people flying all over, just don't see what there is to do community side atm

Depends what your doing. Fleet Actions, PvP and Missions can all be multiplayer. If I feel like solo'ing I'll just screw around doing Missions/Exploration on my own. If I want to play with others in the fleet I'll team and do missions, fleet actions or PvP. Missions can be teamed up with, doesn't have to be the fleet. If you press O you can see people looking for a group.
Fastest leveling would be defend missions if there is lots of people doing them, and also patrol missions are pretty good for skill point rewards.
I'm loving STO, i know there adding more content etc but does anyone feel thats its just a SP game and not an MMO i mean, i know theres fleet actions and people flying all over, just don't see what there is to do community side atm

That seems to be the way quite a few mmorpg's are going these days, with instances being limited to about 40 people. Just wait until The Old Republic, that may be the nail in the coffin for "massively multiplayer" games.
OOpps sorry, its Lokai@Andyh

Cheers :D

Added :)

Fastest leveling would be defend missions if there is lots of people doing them, and also patrol missions are pretty good for skill point rewards.

Defend missions actually work better with fewer people because:
a) If you pick the right mobs you get the loot to yourself
b) You are more likely to enter active instances - certainly if there are only 3-4 of them.
That seems to be the way quite a few mmorpg's are going these days, with instances being limited to about 40 people. Just wait until The Old Republic, that may be the nail in the coffin for "massively multiplayer" games.

Must agree with this, all MMO's these days have a single player element to them when it comes to levelling because thanks to WoW everyone wants to be top level with the best gear and everything and dont want to "wait" on everyone else or have to "rely" on everyone else. The bigger MMO's are getting the more this is happening, though I suppose it is to be expected.

One thing I like about STO over the likes of WoW and others is that you do not need to actively form a group to have any sort of success unlike others. At least at the lower levels you can go where you need to go and you generally end up in an instanced group which is great.

There will be a lot more content up coming and I love the advancement system, it seems to take a while, at least at my speed, which I like but at the same time it doesnt seem to be too grindy. Im really getting into the away team missions now and I can never get enough of space battles I love them.

One thing I have found with space battles is that there seems to be so many players now who will not initiate any fight with a new larger gathering of any ships incase they get agro. Gets on my nervers as all you have to do is fly in on defensive power settings and with a little bit of manouvering and use of shield regen I rarely have any problems :p

Great game! Go Go Trek!

At the mo keeps saying "you are not allowed to log into the server at this time" anyone have any ideas why this might be?
Yeah they are deploying a patch at downtime, but it said it was at 11am, perhaps they started early or are preventing any more logins so they can begin the process?
Yeah they are deploying a patch at downtime, but it said it was at 11am, perhaps they started early or are preventing any more logins so they can begin the process?

Gah I wanted a few hours play before I went away, off to a mates to watch the superbowl, looks like I will just be playing tommorow then!
Its not a patch, its purely to enhance the servers, no gameplay or additions will be made, offical word from a cryptic on the forums.

Launcher said:
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online on Sunday, February 7th from 3 AM PST to 5 AM PST (11 AM to 1 PM GMT), in order to perform maintenance, and apply a new patch. We will update this thread once this maintenance has been completed.

While I know there is no content, I guess it's still patching the server :D
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online on Sunday, February 7th from 3 AM PST to 5 AM PST (11 AM to 1 PM GMT), in order to perform maintenance, and apply a new patch. We will update this thread once this maintenance has been completed.

UPDATE: This downtime is strictly server maintenance to work on performance issues. No gameplay changes.
Last edited by GM_IndigoFyre : Today at 12:42 AM.

got you beat this time. Clicky
Aye but they'll still be deploying patches to the server side of things ;) Gah, need to start the cleaning. I keep sitting here trying to login still.
That seems to be the way quite a few mmorpg's are going these days, with instances being limited to about 40 people. Just wait until The Old Republic, that may be the nail in the coffin for "massively multiplayer" games.

Unfortunately I fear you are right. The "massive multiplayer" side of MMOs is rapidly dying, soon they will be nothing more than "online LAN" kinds of games. :(
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