Star Trek Online

How easy is this to get into for people who aren't normally MMO players? i want a decent MMO to play but im yet to find out that can really grip me (apart from the half mmo that is guild wars)
How easy is this to get into for people who aren't normally MMO players? i want a decent MMO to play but im yet to find out that can really grip me (apart from the half mmo that is guild wars)

I would say quite easy as before this game, I hated MMO's. Couldn't get to grips with grinding out levels/ managing mass/ different/equipment types.

The only reason I got this game is because it is Star Trek (I am a fan) but I have to say I generally enjoy the game, and I don't find levelling a grind at all, just following the missions.

The carrot in the game is promoting your rank so that you can access new ships which is very exciting and satisfying.

Upgrading your kit and weapons is quite straight forward to understand. Putting points into your skills and managing your bridge officers and deciding on appropriate ship consoles is not so. But no biggie.
Am I the only one who would like Cryptic to add some more Trek-like elements? I would really like to be able to explore some of the sights seen in the shows, read more about what's happened in the intervening period and spend some time doing something other killing people or blowing things up. Admittedly the space fights and ground actions are fun but it makes the game seem a little one dimensional.

I appreciate tha majority of people like the non-stop action but I feel like I've killed more Gorn and Klingons than Stalin killed Russians. :(
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Can someone tell me what the end game is like in STO. I have checked some videos on youtube last night but it was all space combat which looked fun but I really don't understand the whole concept of the game. I only ever played WoW, AoC, WAR, Aion, all these games were like clone of each other with some minor differences.
Am I the only one who would like Cryptic to add some more Trek-like elements? I would really like to be able to explore some of the sights seen in the shows, read more about what's happened in the intervening period and spend some time doing something other killing people or blowing things up. Admittedly the space fights and ground actions are fun but it makes the game seem a little one dimensional.

I appreciate tha majority of people like the non-stop action but I feel like I've killed more Gorn and Klingons than Stalin killed Russians. :(

Quite a lot of the missions don't involve killing at all. Also, the Borg Sector is supposed to be getting opened reasonably soon. Had some cool missions the other night involving trying to open up a system so that a Transwarp conduit could be constructed there but some funky asteroids were interfering.
Also, I'm so close to reaching Tier 3 Tactical in Memory Alpha. Spent a fortune last night and have 7 trades with Tier 2 Tactical which puts me about 5 off the bar. If anybody has spare anomalies (not the bog standard red ones) that they aren't fussed about using can they send them my way. Tier 3 Tactical gear is shown here:-

In return for your anomalies, I'll craft Tier 3 Tactical gear for the fleet when requested (as long as you supply the anomalies and equipment required!)
Really? Perhaps it's due to my still being Lt Cmdr 3 but so far I've noticed that most missions involve the following:.

i) Defeat ships orbiting planet/asteroid field. Blow up some satellites or disable mine fied.
ii) Beam down to the planet or over to ship.
iii) Find computers/Rescue scientists or some such -which usually involves killing 10 or so groups of enemies.
iv) Talk to/kill/arrest evil scientist number one - usually involves killing more groups.
v) Defeat ships that have entered system since ground action.

Repetitive as this may be it's still more fun than find medical supplies/plant on dusty planet. I find the game very addictive but I am glad I didn't buy the lifetime subscription. Hopefully when they add some of the other well known races and open different sectors the game will gain some depth.
Release notes for later.

The Borg Return

Level 43+ Federation players now have access to missions versus the Borg. Talk to Admiral Quinn and use the transwarp conduit in the Risa to rendezvous at the Fleet Staging area to begin.

These missions include:
- 3 new Borg related episodes
- Repeatable Star Cluster mission against Borg threats
- Deep Space encounters with Patrolling Borg fleets
- A Daily Star Cluster mission which grants Marks of Exploration for use at an exclusive store in the Staging Fleet to gear up for upcoming Raidisode content.

In addition, level 43+ Klingon players now have access to repeatable Borg related Klingon Defense missions.

Level 43+ players of both factions also gain access to Daily PVP missions which grant Marks of Honor which can be redeemed for exclusive top end gear at stores on K7/Ganalda respectively.

This update sets the stage for additional Borg conflicts which will be released in coming weeks.

Now on to Release Notes


* The pre-order bonus Borg Bridge Officers should now display their traits. They were always there, but they were not visible.
* You no longer receive an error message when clicking the "Call for Help" button after dying when you are not on a team.
* Added the ability to filter the types of PVP Queues displayed when looking up what Queus are available.
* Updated instructions given during game play on how to assign Bridge Officers
* Closing the mail window no longer prevent you from interacting with objects and contacts until you walk away from the mailbox.
* We've improved framerate when viewing the Skills window and reduced the lag when decreasing the rank of a skill.
* The Character Rename button should now work properly


* Borg missions are now available to Fed players when they arrive in the Borg Sector
* New Daily missions are available for level 43+ players that offer Marks as rewards which can be used in special stores in the Staging Fleet, K7 and Ganalda. To to your remote contacts for details.
* Added repeatable Star Cluster and Deepspace hunting missions versus the Borg for both Fed and Klingon players
* Updated the Klingon Player introductory mission progression to help get players to Ganalda
* Federation PvP missions have been added
* Updated Miral Paris' following/combat AI on Regulus IV ground to be more robust;
* Fixed some bugs in the Klingon daily PVP missions - players with ground objectives (kill X captains on ground) might not have seen this complete if they were in an indoor PvP map
* Fixed some text bugs with the Klingon daily PvP missions
* Fixed the number of Klingon PvP missions required at each rank to be 3 per rank
* Made all repeatable Star Cluster missions have a 30 minute cooldown from start of mission instead of from turn in.
* Made all repeatable Deep Space Encounter missions have a 30 minute cooldown from start of mission.

Powers and Skills

* The ability to skill up captaining the Negh'Var is now available in Klingon skill trees.
* Some space weapons tooltips were reporting 5% chance, when the chance was actually 2.5%.
* Disruptor damage resistance proc now works correctly
* Tri-cobalt mines dropped correctly now
* Mines only slot in aft weapon slots as design intended
* The primary explosion from abandon ship no longer affects friendly targets. The resulting delayed warp core breach will still affect friendly targets.
* Field Logistics is now correctly listed as an Admiral skill
* The Engineering ability Aceton Field had a bug that caused it to appear as a ground power on Bridge Officers even though it's a space power.


* Added a missin icon for the Anesthesine gas applied power.
* Corrected a bad description on one of the Tribbles.
* Corrected a bad display name on the Pre-order Automated Defense Turret.
* Added the missing icon for Vulcan "Logical" trait.
* Updated message text when renaming characters to be clearer
* Added a Crew button to the inventory window that opens your status assignment window
* Updated the the Cancel and OK buttons
* Rearranged elements of the Ship customization window to match the layout of the character customization window.
* Updated the headshot displayed for a saved costume
* Added proper indentation to objectives displayed in the mission journal.
* Spending skillpoints on your captain, then attempting to spend skillpoints on a bridge officer without first hitting accept will no longer trigger an error message to be displayed.
* Upon deleting a Klingon character, if the next character in character selection was a FED, the UI no longer remains in the red-Klingon scheme.
* Updated the power tray sensitivity so that you must drag an element completely off the tray in order to remove an item. This prevents losing an item when trying to move it to another slot and dropping it accidentally.
* Add lots of additional information to the character selection screen.
* Purchase and Cancel buttons are now always available when customizing a costume.

Visual and Sound FX

* Hooked up correct beam up fx for some critter groups
* Fixed Plasma sniper rifles so that the laser sight no longer comes out of the player's foot
* Adjusted shields on Borg ships that were sticking out strangely
Release notes for later.

The Borg Return

Level 43+ Federation players now have access to missions versus the Borg. Talk to Admiral Quinn and use the transwarp conduit in the Risa to rendezvous at the Fleet Staging area to begin.

These missions include:
- 3 new Borg related episodes
- Repeatable Star Cluster mission against Borg threats
- Deep Space encounters with Patrolling Borg fleets
- A Daily Star Cluster mission which grants Marks of Exploration for use at an exclusive store in the Staging Fleet to gear up for upcoming Raidisode content.

In addition, level 43+ Klingon players now have access to repeatable Borg related Klingon Defense missions.

Level 43+ players of both factions also gain access to Daily PVP missions which grant Marks of Honor which can be redeemed for exclusive top end gear at stores on K7/Ganalda respectively.

This update sets the stage for additional Borg conflicts which will be released in coming weeks.

Now on to Release Notes


* The pre-order bonus Borg Bridge Officers should now display their traits. They were always there, but they were not visible.
* You no longer receive an error message when clicking the "Call for Help" button after dying when you are not on a team.
* Added the ability to filter the types of PVP Queues displayed when looking up what Queus are available.
* Updated instructions given during game play on how to assign Bridge Officers
* Closing the mail window no longer prevent you from interacting with objects and contacts until you walk away from the mailbox.
* We've improved framerate when viewing the Skills window and reduced the lag when decreasing the rank of a skill.
* The Character Rename button should now work properly


* Borg missions are now available to Fed players when they arrive in the Borg Sector
* New Daily missions are available for level 43+ players that offer Marks as rewards which can be used in special stores in the Staging Fleet, K7 and Ganalda. To to your remote contacts for details.
* Added repeatable Star Cluster and Deepspace hunting missions versus the Borg for both Fed and Klingon players
* Updated the Klingon Player introductory mission progression to help get players to Ganalda
* Federation PvP missions have been added
* Updated Miral Paris' following/combat AI on Regulus IV ground to be more robust;
* Fixed some bugs in the Klingon daily PVP missions - players with ground objectives (kill X captains on ground) might not have seen this complete if they were in an indoor PvP map
* Fixed some text bugs with the Klingon daily PvP missions
* Fixed the number of Klingon PvP missions required at each rank to be 3 per rank
* Made all repeatable Star Cluster missions have a 30 minute cooldown from start of mission instead of from turn in.
* Made all repeatable Deep Space Encounter missions have a 30 minute cooldown from start of mission.

Powers and Skills

* The ability to skill up captaining the Negh'Var is now available in Klingon skill trees.
* Some space weapons tooltips were reporting 5% chance, when the chance was actually 2.5%.
* Disruptor damage resistance proc now works correctly
* Tri-cobalt mines dropped correctly now
* Mines only slot in aft weapon slots as design intended
* The primary explosion from abandon ship no longer affects friendly targets. The resulting delayed warp core breach will still affect friendly targets.
* Field Logistics is now correctly listed as an Admiral skill
* The Engineering ability Aceton Field had a bug that caused it to appear as a ground power on Bridge Officers even though it's a space power.


* Added a missin icon for the Anesthesine gas applied power.
* Corrected a bad description on one of the Tribbles.
* Corrected a bad display name on the Pre-order Automated Defense Turret.
* Added the missing icon for Vulcan "Logical" trait.
* Updated message text when renaming characters to be clearer
* Added a Crew button to the inventory window that opens your status assignment window
* Updated the the Cancel and OK buttons
* Rearranged elements of the Ship customization window to match the layout of the character customization window.
* Updated the headshot displayed for a saved costume
* Added proper indentation to objectives displayed in the mission journal.
* Spending skillpoints on your captain, then attempting to spend skillpoints on a bridge officer without first hitting accept will no longer trigger an error message to be displayed.
* Upon deleting a Klingon character, if the next character in character selection was a FED, the UI no longer remains in the red-Klingon scheme.
* Updated the power tray sensitivity so that you must drag an element completely off the tray in order to remove an item. This prevents losing an item when trying to move it to another slot and dropping it accidentally.
* Add lots of additional information to the character selection screen.
* Purchase and Cancel buttons are now always available when customizing a costume.

Visual and Sound FX

* Hooked up correct beam up fx for some critter groups
* Fixed Plasma sniper rifles so that the laser sight no longer comes out of the player's foot
* Adjusted shields on Borg ships that were sticking out strangely

Pretty sweet!

P.S. We have a second bank tab now :)
Is it me or does the transphasic torperdo seem pants compared to the chroniton torpedo from here:

Hmm I'm not sure to be honest, I had assumed Transphasic would be the only one which isn't affected by shields but a quick look on Mem Alpha suggest Chroniton also isn't affected. Someone on the forum should be able to clarify.

Transphasic Torpedo

Upon detonation the torpedo delivers the pulse in an asymmetric superposition of multiple phase states. Shields can only block one subcomponent of the pulse. The other subcomponents deliver the majority of the pulse to the target. Every torpedo has a different transphasic configuration, generated randomly by a dissonant feedback effect to prevent the Borg from predicting the configuration of the phase states.

Chroniton Torpedo

A chroniton torpedo is a projectile weapon based on temporal science. They were used by the Krenim Imperium in various timelines, and were able to pass unhindered through the shields of enemy ships due to their existing in a state of temporal flux. Some Krenim chroniton torpedoes operated on a temporal variance of 1.47 microseconds. (VOY: "Before and After", "Year of Hell")
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Apparently the transphasic do very little damage. Tricobolt is supposed to be the best along with quantum and proton torpedos. The chroniton are good but i dont know if the damage difference is worth equipping them...
Apparently Chroniton Torpedo + HYIII = Death

Instant massive hull damage

Trying a new setup on my Escort. Mounted 2x Mk VI Tetryon Turrets at the rear to replace the Phaser Turrets I had before.
Quantums all the way. Bought 3 new Heavy plasma cannons Mk X last night - but they wont fire when I press fire all weapons :(

Hope they are working when I fight the Borg!

Only one cannon can fire at a time. Basically you alternate them to give a constant stream of cannon fire.
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