Star Trek Online

Cruisers can still dish out the DPS - you just need to get the right build e.g. EPS flow consoles, beam overload etc.

Career path will become much more important. From LtCmdr onwards you will get specific skills depending on your class e.g. I am tactical and get a load of damage enhancing skills.

I agree with the admiral point. There are going to be a lot of them. I have also noticed that the starting areas are really quiet now - great for my cruiser alt :)

Also, I will be on most of the weekend if anyone need any help getting gear from my Mk X kitted out fleet escort :)

I may take you up on the kit out point :p
So how do I access the fleet bank?

Also, I am a noob still msyelf (Hell, only lieutenant 5 or something), and so only getting some MK II stuff, so other stuff could be useful to me, though if there is limited space, I guess I could understand no keeping it.

And, once I learn how to access the bank, I would feel bad taking anything and not giving anything (if nothing lower than V wanted) for some time.

Am enjoying this, and finding it quite addictive, but sometimes it feel slike a single player game.

How do I go about getting involved with the fleet more?
Just a small rant/annoyance about the game that I have.

I mentioned one of these in fleet chat yesterday before I logged. The fleet actions are annoying me because performance in them is solely based on dps. I have a cruiser so now unless I am lucky or everyone else gets the hell blitzed out of them and spends half the time dead I am never going to be top in dps and so never get any useful items from these battles. Surely there can be some other factors taken into account otherwise why would I really bother with these battles?

Friend was having this exact same problem, we send another friend along in his T2 escort to the fleet action to farm a few parts, ran it twice getting way higher score than anyone else....

GM told him he wasn't allowed to be in the instance and kicked him. lol lame

Im tactical and have gone cruiser, Had a Nice console/photon topedo set for high dps spikes, lagged out whilst switchin back to beams.... my special torps and console turned into the exact same things I was switching to :( 2 beams and a weapons console cant trade/sell either as theyve aito come up as bound >.>

Could anyone show any Science gear that may be suitable for my build? only thing I've found so far is +crew +repair rate, cant seem to find any DPS increasing ones.
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So how do I access the fleet bank?

Also, I am a noob still msyelf (Hell, only lieutenant 5 or something), and so only getting some MK II stuff, so other stuff could be useful to me, though if there is limited space, I guess I could understand no keeping it.

And, once I learn how to access the bank, I would feel bad taking anything and not giving anything (if nothing lower than V wanted) for some time.

Am enjoying this, and finding it quite addictive, but sometimes it feel slike a single player game.

How do I go about getting involved with the fleet more?

It will be more useful when you get to higher levels - you will quickly out level the MkII stuff anyway.

Now that we have gotten our initial banking issues out the way, I dont see why we cant give more members access (I think the permissions are working again now). I think it is still best if the top few leaders/officers look after the bank credits between them.

Hoping to get home and play this soon :)
You can access the fleet bank from the bank terminals at Sol system, memory alpha and deep space 9.

Just ask in fleet chat if anyone wants to do anything, i know adriana etc have a little group going. Some people like myself just like to solo :P
If you need help with anything just ask ingame.

Im Tactical cruiser aswell, make sure you have EPS conduits so you can fire beams constantly. At least one torpedo launcher fore and aft.

Im gonna make some tactical videos at some point to show people how to control it properly :P
Im finding this really addictive at the moment, im itching to get home from work so i can crack on want to get my next tier cruiser :D
i put half my credits into the fleet bank... came out to 15 k lolz

Every bit helps :)

Can someone add me to the fleet?


I haven't taken part in any fleet actions yet, I am missing a good part of the game?

Will add you when I get online later if you havent been already. Fleet actions can be fun 20-40 ships all blowing each other up :). Some are better than others.

Really hope they open up Borg space soon!
Hey guys, i removed a whole load of mk II junk from the fleet bank and put in some VII stuff. Please there is no point in putting in anything below mk V due to how easy the items are to farm. Infact you will gear yourself out easily when leveling up through t2/t3.

This seems wrong to me, because people on ensign or Lt levels won't be able to upgrade at all. And frankly those are the levels where you need help the most. Maybe you've forgotten.. but it's not easy to farm at those levels.. And they're not captain/admirals with 3 mill in the bank. They're at the bottom.
Just because mk2-3 is "junk" to you guys at the top who play for hours and hours each day, doesn't mean it's "junk" to everyone else :(
Can someone add me to the fleet?


I haven't taken part in any fleet actions yet, I am missing a good part of the game?

Added. :)

This seems wrong to me, because people on ensign or Lt levels won't be able to upgrade at all. And frankly those are the levels where you need help the most. Maybe you've forgotten.. but it's not easy to farm at those levels.. And they're not captain/admirals with 3 mill in the bank. They're at the bottom.
Just because mk2-3 is "junk" to you guys at the top who play for hours and hours each day, doesn't mean it's "junk" to everyone else :(

I have tried to even the spead of stuff out in the Fleet bank. So its kinda in order of MK. So lets say there are phaser cannons for Mk 2 to Mk 5 or whatever.
Added. :)

I have tried to even the spead of stuff out in the Fleet bank. So its kinda in order of MK. So lets say there are phaser cannons for Mk 2 to Mk 5 or whatever.

Yes, the best thing to do is just to keep shields, weapons and impulse engines in there i.e. the essentials (I dont really consider things like deflectors, consoles etc to be essential). It is frustrating that we don't have enough room in there for everything, but I think if we only keep essential items in there we should be able to keep a good range of MkII to MkX items. Hopefully this will be of use to our new members :)
Am enjoying this, and finding it quite addictive, but sometimes it feel slike a single player game.

How do I go about getting involved with the fleet more?

Make a new chat channel and turn off everything else apart from Fleet/OcUK Channel messages. I quite often ask if anybody wants to join up for some Deep Space Encounters, Fleet Actions or Quests/Exploration. It can be a good laugh, especially as CDG was so proud of his Defiant then he kept getting popped ;):D

We had a good team going last night with greenyfastcar, raven, jack and westy.
Make a new chat channel and turn off everything else apart from Fleet/OcUK Channel messages. I quite often ask if anybody wants to join up for some Deep Space Encounters, Fleet Actions or Quests/Exploration. It can be a good laugh, especially as CDG was so proud of his Defiant then he kept getting popped ;):D

We had a good team going last night with greenyfastcar, raven, jack and westy.

I may have popped butttttt I managed to get 9 points into Tactical Escort now so I can last longer!! :D Time to increase my DPS. ;)
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