Star Trek Online

This seems wrong to me, because people on ensign or Lt levels won't be able to upgrade at all. And frankly those are the levels where you need help the most. Maybe you've forgotten.. but it's not easy to farm at those levels.. And they're not captain/admirals with 3 mill in the bank. They're at the bottom.
Just because mk2-3 is "junk" to you guys at the top who play for hours and hours each day, doesn't mean it's "junk" to everyone else :(

Strange i had no problems, infact i had so much stuff i ended up vendoring a lot of it. The items in question can also be bought off the base vendors for little to no credits, i think it was about 1k per beam weapon or something silly.
Like i said before if there were more bank slots there would be no problem at all, anyway cba to make a big issue about it. Just thought it was common sense.
I can confirm permissions now work. Tried to take out a MK II torpedo launcher and I wasn't allowed.

And yeah MK II really isn't junk to me, most of my stuff is MK I. I can't play very often :)
Right... I play WoW... I find EvE boring... Sum up this entire thread for me, and tell me - would I enjoy Star Trek: Online in your opinion(s)? Help me hereeeee... I'm in two minds whether to get it or not, haha.
My initial impression is that it's a less hardcore version of eve but with A LOT more action. I'm enjoying the ground fights too. Just a good MMO basically :)
I think the advantage this game has over some of the others is its simplicity. Eve is like a giant puzzle, as you try to play catch up on the vets whilst doing missions for the corps. STO is more jump in, do a mission, jump out... They're both different games and target different types of player but I would have said WoW is more like STO than Eve is like STO.
I can confirm permissions now work. Tried to take out a MK II torpedo launcher and I wasn't allowed.

And yeah MK II really isn't junk to me, most of my stuff is MK I. I can't play very often :)

You've probably been set as a 'recruit' and thus can't take anything out, ask one of the leaders to set you to a member.
Started another new character, still trying to decide on what I play so I will give this one a little time before asking for (another) fleet invite :)
Right, I'll be buying it tonight, and I should be playing it tonight as well... If ALL goes well :D Cheers for the opinions guys, and yes I am easily swayed :p
Is therea guide or does someone know pretty much for definite which science consoles or which science stats will be needed to boost certain abilities.

In regards to consoles what should I be looking for to boost abilities like Tachyon beam? I seemed to have noticed that extra auxiliary power knocks the effectiveness of this ability up but not too certain as to what sort of consoles (if any) I can use to boost it.

Excellent ground fleet action tonight, first time I'd done a ground one, and it was pretty neat -

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