Star Trek Online

As a side thought, do we have anywhere to discuss builds etc like a free forum or is it just here? I've been engrossed in ME2 for a coupla days but vaguely recall seeing something.
I'm mid way through Lt. Cmdr and bored of my escort :( what are the akiras like? I actually miss my beam cruiser for some reason, so might just re-roll an engineer/cruiser along side my tactical escort.
I'm mid way through Lt. Cmdr and bored of my escort :( what are the akiras like? I actually miss my beam cruiser for some reason, so might just re-roll an engineer/cruiser along side my tactical escort.

Try out Sci, you'll outdamage escorts in long fights and have the staying power of cruisers as long as you're decent at micro managing.
I have also posted it as the fleet MOTD. Also, we have 3 bank tabs now (bought another new one earlier) - we have different levelled gear split between them. Much easier to find stuff in there now! Only another 500K needed for the next one.

Thanks Furbs and CR. Bank tabs don't really interest me too much, when i switched to Fed from KDF a few of you were farming Crystalline for blues and selling them for extortionate prices and i saw some getting sold to each other in the fleet which is something i would never do. Look up the guild Genesis on games like Archlord or AoC (US) tied with the name Kabaal and you'll see i'm not a fan of selling to each other. Quest and PvP gear did me fine for getting admiral again.
Thanks Furbs and CR. Bank tabs don't really interest me too much, when i switched to Fed from KDF a few of you were farming Crystalline for blues and selling them for extortionate prices and i saw some getting sold to each other in the fleet which is something i would never do. Look up the guild Genesis on games like Archlord or AoC (US) tied with the name Kabaal and you'll see i'm not a fan of selling to each other. Quest and PvP gear did me fine for getting admiral again.

Everything in the bank is free. We just have a sort of common sense policy - take something you need/want, but when you can, replace it with something that you think someone else might need/want.

The blues were useful for getting early credits of what can only be idiots on the exchange (must be the same people paying 100ks for endgame gear), but I have put all of that money earned and a lot more back into the fleet to give us all more bank space (which imo makes it worthwhile).

Just to clarify, this isn't about selling to each other :) - I too wouldnt like that. Only did it once with a turret early in the game, but it was for a token amount because the other member insisted on paying e.g. 20K whereas I could have gotten another few hundred Ks on the exchange.

Dont want anyone to get the wrong idea :)
I've no intention of playing, unless they do a demo at some point, but out of curiosity how are escorts with cannons instead of beams doing in the live version? In the beta I found them pointless, the DPS was nice, but the arc meant that I had to front face them, and so my frontal shields always went down fast and as soon as I turned to tank on a different side I could no longer fire.
I've no intention of playing, unless they do a demo at some point, but out of curiosity how are escorts with cannons instead of beams doing in the live version? In the beta I found them pointless, the DPS was nice, but the arc meant that I had to front face them, and so my frontal shields always went down fast and as soon as I turned to tank on a different side I could no longer fire.

Work fine - you just get a high capacity shields, turrets on the back meaning you can bring all weapons onto the person infront - combined with abilities such as rapid fire they work well. Possibly not as fun as science ships and cruisers though. Some of us will probably get trial keys eventually.
I have drive an escort (not a ford :P) and have skilled up phasers.

It has become evident to me that heavy duel phaser cannons seems to be a lot more scarce then say compared to disrupters. Or is that juts me?

Am i likely going to find it tough to find 3 of them for when I hit Captain in 2 lvls time?
I have drive an escort (not a ford :P) and have skilled up phasers.

It has become evident to me that heavy duel phaser cannons seems to be a lot more scarce then say compared to disrupters. Or is that juts me?

Am i likely going to find it tough to find 3 of them for when I hit Captain in 2 lvls time?

Should be able to buy them quite easily - or look in the fleet bank, have seen some in there now and again.

Edit: Just bought another bank tab for you all - enjoy :)
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Nice one rave, was on earlier and there was no room for nothin, was gonna pop a pile of mkiv stuff down.

Gettin close to commander now, so am happy

been gettin some good lvl v drops of late
I had a little go in my Akira the other night when I reached Commander... need some Level V sheilds though :(
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