Star Trek Online

Cancelled my sub, have a few weeks left. I love the game don't get me wrong. I just want to see the servers fixed, or a Europe one introduced before I re-sub.
Anyone seen an ETA?

They posted something a week or so ago about the server startup procedure and the general gist of it was that just to reboot them would actually take over an hour to get everything going...

Love the copy/paste downtime notices though, getting a bit beyond a joke.
Have I missed any big content patches or anything?

Havent played since the borg patch was introduced due to work commitments, hoping to be back online Tuesday and was wondering what I had missed :)
Have I missed any big content patches or anything?

Havent played since the borg patch was introduced due to work commitments, hoping to be back online Tuesday and was wondering what I had missed :)

Just a few small patches. I think the raid content is coming sometime soon though - hopefully this week!
is it just me or is this thing buggy and laggy as **** tonight i have not been killed in ground battles as many times as this ever
i manage to shoot once and then my shields are gone
OK, I have completed the tutorial missions and am currently at level 3. I have a few quesions though:

1. I have been given a mission "Defend against 3 enemy system contacts" or something like that. I take it I need to fly into the enemy contacts and defeat the enemies in it then do the same again for another two of them? The problem is there are SO many ships in each contact do they really expect you to kill them all, then do it again for another two or am I missing something?

2. What else does the game have to offer apart form missions like this? I have seen ground missions in the tutorial and can now see that repetitevely killing ships in space is going to be a main theme here, but what else can I expect from it? I'm willing to give it a chance but after a few hours of playing it all seems a bit like "Do this task a load of times to slowly level up and get bits for your ship" then repeat. I'm trying to understand what else happens apart from this? Has anyone tried the PvP?

I'm genuinely interested in knowing how the game develops after the tutorial or if there is an end-game or something to aim for with a story line to go with it? So far I just see it as a repetative task of killing ships or doing samey missions to level up and upgrade the ship to get a new ship, only to do it all again? I'm hoping that I'm wrong and someone can advise me that it gets good later on so keep going! :)

I used to play EvE a lot and found the PVE missions in that all the same and didnt really enjoy them, so maybe STO isn't for me if it is just a load of repetative PVE missions over and over?
Well I wont be resubbing. Its just so empty and repetetive. Having all the ships available at rear admiral, and it being so easy to get there really killed it for me.
OK, I have completed the tutorial missions and am currently at level 3. I have a few quesions though:

1. I have been given a mission "Defend against 3 enemy system contacts" or something like that. I take it I need to fly into the enemy contacts and defeat the enemies in it then do the same again for another two of them? The problem is there are SO many ships in each contact do they really expect you to kill them all, then do it again for another two or am I missing something?

You just need to complete the open event. Generally there will be other ships in there too so just tag along with them and do your bit. You can do them solo but you have to pick and choose your targets. For that level it is normally "Defeat 8 Squadrons".

2. What else does the game have to offer apart form missions like this? I have seen ground missions in the tutorial and can now see that repetitevely killing ships in space is going to be a main theme here, but what else can I expect from it? I'm willing to give it a chance but after a few hours of playing it all seems a bit like "Do this task a load of times to slowly level up and get bits for your ship" then repeat. I'm trying to understand what else happens apart from this? Has anyone tried the PvP?

There are Patrol missions which are primarily "Go to this planet and do something" and it will either be a ground combat mission, space combat mission or sometimes a ground run around mission. There is PvP, there are big open space battles called Fleet actions. There are also the storyline missions that generally have a bit of space combat and a bit of ground combat and a few more mixed objectives. And finally there are the exploration missions, which are a bit more space and ground stuff.

One of the flaws of STO is that combat doesn't really start getting interesting till you get your second ship and start to have more abilities and more choice of tactics.
Cant decide to get this or not , i'm a huge ST fan been watching voyager again on dvd for like the 100th time heh :)

Think this setup will be okay for sto?

WinXP sp3
intel quad core Q6600 2.4GHZ
2GB RAM X1900 - Crossfire
is it possible to explain the concept of a raid for me and how it would work in STO?

I'm an MMO noob tbh

A group of people get together to accomplish a difficult task. Usually requires some planning and organising. Usually done at guild/fleet level, more often these days using voice comms (real men raid using only text!) Running a raid is somewhat akin to herding cats at times.

In STO it will probably involve some tricky to defeat space armarda with unusual powers that need to be got around somehow. Think more complex versions of the Fleet Actions.
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