Star Trek Online

A group of people get together to accomplish a difficult task. Usually requires some planning and organising. Usually done at guild/fleet level, more often these days using voice comms (real men raid using only text!) Running a raid is somewhat akin to herding cats at times.

In STO it will probably involve some tricky to defeat space armarda with unusual powers that need to be got around somehow. Think more complex versions of the Fleet Actions.

Sounds interesting,
I played for the first time last night and absolutely loved it. Just finished the tutorial and I think I will head to starbase 24 tonight as I've read thats where the better weapons are.

Could I join the fleet? terish@graystown

Oh btw, I am running it on a laptop with a Radeon HD3200 chip and it runs fine.
hi guys dont mean to be a pain, but could i get added to the fleet pls, SteveO@Stevo01 Thanks

Could I get added as well? Soulfishy@Soulfishy cheers :)

Both added :)

Cant decide to get this or not , i'm a huge ST fan been watching voyager again on dvd for like the 100th time heh :)

Think this setup will be okay for sto?

WinXP sp3
intel quad core Q6600 2.4GHZ
2GB RAM X1900 - Crossfire

May be worth checking the minimum specs on the main website. It is supposed to scale very well to lower specs.
Cant decide to get this or not , i'm a huge ST fan been watching voyager again on dvd for like the 100th time heh :)

Go for it, you'll be flying one of these before you know it :D

A group of people get together to accomplish a difficult task. Usually requires some planning and organising. Usually done at guild/fleet level, more often these days using voice comms (real men raid using only text!) Running a raid is somewhat akin to herding cats at times.

In STO it will probably involve some tricky to defeat space armarda with unusual powers that need to be got around somehow. Think more complex versions of the Fleet Actions.

How difficult is it to get your fleetmates altogether in the same mission due to the instancing ?
Go for it, you'll be flying one of these before you know it :D


Meh gotta love intrepid ships :P awwww i dunno what to do

Star Trek Online Minimum System Requirements
-OS: Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7 (32 or 64 bit)
-CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo 1.8 GHz, AMD Athlon™ X2 3800+
-Memory: 1 GB Ram
-Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7950/ ATI Radeon X1800/ Intel HD Graphics
-Sound: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Soundcard
-DirectX® 9.0c or Higher
-Hard Drive: 10 GB Free Disk Space
-Disc Drive: 6X DVD-ROM
-Network: Broadband Internet Connection is Required

Star Trek Online Recommended System Requirements:
-OS: Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7 (32 or 64 bit)
-CPU: Intel® E8400 Core™2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2 5600+
-Memory: 2 GB Ram+
-Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ ATI Radeon HD 3850+
-Sound: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Soundcard
-DirectX® 9.0c or Higher
-Hard Drive: 10 GB Free Disk Space
-Disc Drive: 6X DVD-ROM
-Network: Broadband Internet Connection is Required

best place to buy it from?

looking at Steam atm! :P £30
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Their website specifically says it supports crossfire, so I'd say it'll run quite well. I can post more luscious screenies if you're still wavering :D
Their website specifically says it supports crossfire, so I'd say it'll run quite well. I can post more luscious screenies if you're still wavering :D

Yeah all for more screenies :) Talking to a mate that has it also seems to be a different mmo aspect to things

I gave in anyhow ..and bought it off steam

first mmo ive played since i gave up wow before the 1st expansion .. 2 years odd?
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Anyone know what day the content patch falls on, im actually considering returning all 3 of my copies :( Just seems to be nothing to do endgame, a lot of it is repetitive and as someone else pointed out you level far far too fast. It does feel like a single player game.
Other half and I aren't even at Lt Commander yet. We were discussing yesterday how we don't know how people managed to get to Admiral as quick as they did.

Really, spend some time doing something else every now and then :)

You must be playing this non-stop to have levelled up as much as possible and done all missions!

I suppose this must just be for the more casual gamers, which for us is perfect. There is so much to do and see it will take us forever to get through it all. Though a bit more variety from fighting would be nice :D
Likewise, I hit Lt Commander 5 last night, and I've been playing about 2-3 hours a night most nights since release.

What were you doing with three copies anyway?
I guess i was playing it everyday after work and a full friday but not much more than that due to server downtimes and being busy with other stuff. I think im too used to other mmos where it would take literally weeks of playtime to get to end game.

The reason im giving it a chance is because i understand it is a brand new mmo and things arent going to be perfect, just worried that it wont get any better after reading comments from players who subscribed to cryptics other mmos.

Quite a few lifetimers have received refunds as they are still within the 30 day free play time, and that window is making me a little anxious i guess.

Bought 3 copies for the bonuses that come with the preorders, i also get 30days free play time with each one aswell as cryptic points which i was going to use to purchase additional content through the cstore... One of the copies is physical so i could get those goodies in the box, which in the end were pretty dissapointing anyway :P
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Some people are redoing defend the sector missions (and what I would call is a cheat).

You keep changing instance until you find ones that are being done (4/9 5/9 or what ever). As that instance is half or almost done. It does not take long to do 3 of them. Then you hail Starfleet. Get the rewards, rinse and repeat. Couple of hours and you can level a lot.

I do the missions once then move on. Im LtC 7, and am doing every mission as they are handed out.

So it will take me longer but Im having more fun.
When i leveled i did the patrol mission and the main missions from the admirals etc. Now at Captain 7+ i had to farm defend sector missions in order to reach the next level which in turn would give me new missions to complete. Note that the missions i was receiving were +3 over my curret level anyway.
Leveling system is quite messed up when you reach captain.

You cant farm the sector defence missions as easily now, i believe the skill points awarded are reduced as you level and even after that i think you can do them 3 times max per day.
Not wishing to pee on anyones chips , I finished playing STO after the open beta due to the repetitive nature of the gameplay.

Levelling up needs looking at as it happens far too quick , so what do you do after reaching Admiral. Besides starting again as a Klingon ?

I liked the concept of the game but it has a bit to go yet to convince me to buy as I'm still not sure what this game is supposed to be exactly.:confused:

This game isn't an MMO as you know it , its a lot of people online playing SP missions and then meeting up to swap kit, socialise and try to arrange co op missions so that the instancing doesn't split them up. :(

The game design will never lend itself to being a MMO in the truest sense of the word, i.e. you will never be a member of someones crew on their ship etc. From my experiences interacting with your fleetmates was minimal usually by typing in the chatbox.

I'm not saying this is a bad game , just different , and while I was playing it it was great fun but ultimately the lack of gameplay depth and direction of the game stopped me paying monthly for it.
guys ive purchased STO via Steam i know that it may take up to 48 hours etc .. is there a way to get the client and just link to steam once its up to date?
you can download the client seperate and play the game, but it will not link to steam, if you want it using steam you need to do the normal steam download.
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