Star Trek Online

How difficult is it to get your fleetmates altogether in the same mission due to the instancing ?

It will automatically put you in with friends, team, fleet mates etc.

Anyone know what day the content patch falls on, im actually considering returning all 3 of my copies :( Just seems to be nothing to do endgame, a lot of it is repetitive and as someone else pointed out you level far far too fast. It does feel like a single player game.

Soon apparently.

Other half and I aren't even at Lt Commander yet. We were discussing yesterday how we don't know how people managed to get to Admiral as quick as they did.

Really, spend some time doing something else every now and then :)

You must be playing this non-stop to have levelled up as much as possible and done all missions!

I suppose this must just be for the more casual gamers, which for us is perfect. There is so much to do and see it will take us forever to get through it all. Though a bit more variety from fighting would be nice :D

Most people just used the sector defend missions when there was no cooldown timer. I would agree, there isnt much to do at endgame - hopefully the content comes soon. Just playing my alt mostly and selling stuff on the exchange - nearly hit 10mil :)
Ha, struggling to get even a few thousand credits currently :)

Most people just used the sector defend missions when there was no cooldown timer.

So people have simply been levelling for the sake of levelling through exploits, powered through everything and now comlain there's nothing to do?

So why don't people take their time and play the game for fun rather than for getting to top level as soon as they can?

I'm just struggling to get my head around the mindset of people who rush these things. What's the point?
But ffalic, i didnt really rush. I didnt exploit either. Those people that did reached RA5 a week and a bit ago with some doing it pretty much during the headstard period. I only recently hit the level cap and ive noticed a lot of other people are too, just see them sitting in borg space farming loot :P
But ffalic, i didnt really rush. I didnt exploit either. Those people that did reached RA5 a week and a bit ago with some doing it pretty much during the headstard period. I only recently hit the level cap and ive noticed a lot of other people are too, just see them sitting in borg space farming loot :P

Not everyone did - but most of the people complaining on the official forums did. The content will come, just gotta be patient (or play an alt - I love my cruiser alt....seriously, she is hot :p ) :)
Hi all,

Well I'm still waiting for Steam to do it's thing! I think ive made the mistake of going to Steam forums and seeing all the negative feedback saying about the devs (Cryptic) being pants and money grabbers etc. But i think it looks fun and im a huge fan of ST so i think its a win win :)
Hi all,

Well I'm still waiting for Steam to do it's thing! I think ive made the mistake of going to Steam forums and seeing all the negative feedback saying about the devs (Cryptic) being pants and money grabbers etc. But i think it looks fun and im a huge fan of ST so i think its a win win :)

The forums are full of trolls - the people enjoying themselves are in-game and dont post on forums ;). Make up your own mind. Once you have set up your account, post your username and captain name here and we can add you to our fleet :)
Thanks guys , well Steam has come through but im at the GF's house now .. on the lappy think this gfx card would run it?

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series
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