Star Trek Online

Will probably re-sub at the end of the summer. At least for a month. Depends how long Starcraft holds me and whether or not anything else tempts me e.g. Fallour New Vegas. There have been a lot of changes since I played last, so I would like to see what has been going on. I will miss my G13 though, sold it shortly after I stopped playing STO as I just couldn't see any other use for it (sold it for more than I bought it for though, so nothing lost!).
Well ok ive been tempted back for a month, problem being STO doesnt want me back "There was an error processing your request." each time i try re-sub lol, ah well its fate.
The game is just about playable at lowest settings on an Ati X800 + amd 3800x2 ;) But with all the light effects turned off, its not the same game :S

I should have a stash of buddy keys if anyone wants to try the game, but the site isnt working properly atm to check.
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Guess what, i managed to get STO working on my netbook. Which is overclocked lol.

Outside ships etc fine and fluid but any planet/installations grinds to a half nearly. So its a fail but promising.

Ironically i have eve installed on the same machine at full HD settings and its perfectly smooth.

Why is STO so intensive...any ideas?

PS: Played season 2 for 2days, felt really boring after awhile again, just cant get into it unlike when it first set out. ANother month subscribed for a few days play LOL
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Um CO?

Btw I came online the other day... are there people still playing this from our Fleet?

I think a few around here were on and off. Have been very tempted, but not sure it would be the same without my logitech gameboard. Kind of wish I had kept my lifetime sub - it is nice to be able to go back on a whim :)
Ive just cancelled before I had to pay for a month. While it is fun flying around shooting things in your ship, that's really the only high point for me.

Ground combat is appalling and there seems to be no klingon content at all for the game. The missions seem simply to be, "enter this combat area and fight".

Not a game that I will be going back to which is a real shame.

I may have to dig out all my old star trek adventure games from way back when. :)
Cancelled it within the first 28 days :). Have seen yours on ebay (I think). Tried selling my champions sub, but wasn't getting more than £30 for it, so figured I would keep it for rainy days.

Mine? I didn't even get one cause I knew I wouldn't avidly stick to it :D

But I would like a dabble in it soon! :)
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