Star Trek Online

Just bought the game, downloading now...

Would you mind if I joined up?

Should be on by this afternoon :cool:

All are welcome :)

Will need your Captainname@accountname (as it appears in the chat window).

Sunday better for me, unless its earlier or later Saturday.

Sunday would be better for me too. May make an event for both Saturday and Sunday depending on the response.
I have organised a fleet meet for Saturday and Sunday at 2pm (recurring for the remainder of the month since there are so many of us here now). Please RSVP in-game so we can get an idea of numbers (will need 5 for the raids) - if we have more than 5 we could always split up into two groups. I have set the requirements as Admiral, since you will need to be rank 43 (correct?) to do infection or Terradome. Also keep in mind they can take quite a while, hence setting the meet for 2 hours. If people want to stick around we can do dailies/help lower ranked members also. Look forward to seeing you there (if these times are unsuitable for anyone I can create an additional event).

Do we have access to a teamspeak like server for this?
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Um I'm getting "Connecting to server" but nothing else when running the .exe - it then times out, down for maintenance? I've tried removing my firewall etc.
How about 3pm Saturday (and Sunday?) afternoon for a raid? Would that suit people here? Is there a preferred time? If so I will add it to the fleet event.

Damn you want me to get up early on a Saturday? :D

Do we have access to a teamspeak like server for this?

If you read the fleet message, the details for my server are in there.. I don't get home until 8pm though, so although I'm logged in, I'm "away".
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Nevermind I'm in :)

OcUK name: Leviathon
STO @handle: @leviathon100
Captain: Shennanto Baktor
Starship: U.S.S Leviathon

Will invite you shortly.

Damn you want me to get up early on a Saturday? :D

If you read the fleet message, the details for my server are in there.. I don't get home until 8pm though, so although I'm logged in, I'm "away".

Yup, just saw it :)

Edit: It isn't letting me invite at the moment. Will try again later.
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