Star Trek Online

If anyone has Tribble access, LOGIN NOW!!!

The f2p beta is live. If you can get from Ensign to VA (which isn't hard as I'm RA LH1) in 3 weeks there will be several rewards on holodeck.

If nothing else, try out the Doff system, which is active @ LtC 1, but you don't get any Doff's until LtC2. If you can get any teirs in the various Doff tracks (Militathere will again be unique rewards on holodeck for doing so, (usually Purple Doffs).

A couple of things to note though, not all the Dilithium economy is in yet, so the amount at level up to get a new ship is not enough from Commander upwards, this may be fixed shortly.

Featured Episodes (Davidian, Breen and Rommie's) are now part of the main mission story's and you CAN NOT progress until you do the previous mission. So you can't nip over to Orellius to do the Breen dailies.. However as the mission skill point rewards have been massively increased leveling isn't that hard.
Not paying those crooks to beta their game for them again, done it once already :p

If you could go on tribble for the F2P testing without a sub i'd at least consider the huge download.
If anyone has Tribble access, LOGIN NOW!!!

The f2p beta is live. If you can get from Ensign to VA (which isn't hard as I'm RA LH1) in 3 weeks there will be several rewards on holodeck.

If nothing else, try out the Doff system, which is active @ LtC 1, but you don't get any Doff's until LtC2. If you can get any teirs in the various Doff tracks (Militathere will again be unique rewards on holodeck for doing so, (usually Purple Doffs).

A couple of things to note though, not all the Dilithium economy is in yet, so the amount at level up to get a new ship is not enough from Commander upwards, this may be fixed shortly.

Featured Episodes (Davidian, Breen and Rommie's) are now part of the main mission story's and you CAN NOT progress until you do the previous mission. So you can't nip over to Orellius to do the Breen dailies.. However as the mission skill point rewards have been massively increased leveling isn't that hard.

Rather experience it when its launched than play it during testing as when it does come on holodeck it wouldn't be new and cool anymore and be boring probably lol.

Rewards are some tribbles, so think i would pass. :p Never use em anyhow.

Btw Jeremy from Stoked podcast is leaving stoked to become a dev at cryptic. Probably dont know him but him and chris do put a good show on for sto fans. Even tho i havent really played sto in months since start of the drought i do watch what is happening to the game.

For some footage of them visiting cryptic last week for their 100th show with some good sneak peaks at stuff like bajor, some new ships etc. And on nov 1st for part 2 of the 100th show even more footage and titbits.
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No although i have test and done foundry in the past, im going to wait for this too be roleld out offical.

I still get the feeling many original STO fans or ST fans feel Little aggrieved with the performance of STO and just hope that big changes come swiftly.

I will be holding my breath for this "relaunch".
Rewards are some tribbles, so think i would pass.

Actually the rewards this time around are a lot different. Yes there is a tribble involved, but also available is..

Starting from character from new
get to lvl 11 for a 8hr Skill point bonus (I believe this is tradable)
get to lvl 31 for a "significant" chunk of Dilithium
get to VA for an Extra Ship slot and a Unique title.

These are duplicated if you do both Fed and Klink.

For testing out the Doff's
Get to Tier 1 of any track for a Blue Doff
Get to Tier 2 of any track for a purple Doff
Get to Tier 3 of any track for a 2nd purple Doff with a unique ability.
Forgot about dilithium reward but duno if worth it as your bound to get quite a bit when conversion happens if you have a load of credits, merits and emblems etc.
given they are more than likely trying to shaft us i suspect the exchange rates for each currency are going to be absolutely shocking, ie i doubt 30 emblems will equate to the new dillithium cost of a mkXI purple ship weapon. They are after all trying to push us towards the c-store more.
To be honest, i've made foundry missions, dev and testing for them before and signed up from Day 1 but i just can't be bothered to do their BETA testing for free to play when these are changes that should have happened ages ago and im one of the people who will have to keep paying!

Fedup testing their beta software!
Very hard to tell chap

I think many are holding out to create a new free to play account !

I fear many paid current high ranking players will switch to f2p!
The date for F2P has been released.

The gates open on the 17th of January 2012.

Which would be right around 30 days after a certain other sci-fi based MMO starts up. I'm wondering if Cryptic did that deliberately to cater for those who try the other game and find it lacking.
The date for F2P has been released.

The gates open on the 17th of January 2012.

Which would be right around 30 days after a certain other sci-fi based MMO starts up. I'm wondering if Cryptic did that deliberately to cater for those who try the other game and find it lacking.

STO and SW:TOR aren't exactly competing against each other, they're different games.
what's intresting is the paid subs people have stopped subing for months with a drop of.

Showing that most of the previous monthly guys are waiting to set up a seperate free to play account!

Im going to wait till January/maybe feb

But the bottom line being, whats new to do for people who have reached the top of the tree already?
The date for F2P has been released.

The gates open on the 17th of January 2012.

Which would be right around 30 days after a certain other sci-fi based MMO starts up. I'm wondering if Cryptic did that deliberately to cater for those who try the other game and find it lacking.

It's probably the smartest thing they could have done. Absolutely no point releasing it before xmas, they're probably hoping for a Conan / Warhammer type backlash.
a lot of people still moanign its light on content, lets hope they push through changes, toughen things up to slow it down and add more content.
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