Star Trek Online

Well the next couple of builds have been touted as mainly bug fixes..

The Doff system is coming along, and has a re-vamp of Diplomacy to bring it in line with the other tracks. We do know that there is content coming, hopefully this time they can keep on top and keep it coming.

There is a FE re-run event happening, so I'll be able to get my Reman Boff I missed the first (and 2nd) time around.
STO and SW:TOR aren't exactly competing against each other, they're different games.

Whilst for the most part this is true, they are similar in that they are both popular sci-fi based IP's who have MMO's in the marketplace at that time.

And even if TOR is the best thing since sliced bread, there will still be people who don't want to renew their initial sub (I'm certainly one of them, primarily because there is no life-time sub offer, and also when I played the demo at Eurogamer I wasn't exactly bowled over like).

I'm not saying this is their entire game plan, but it does sort of make sense in the great scheme of things.
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The Tribble F2P build will be ported to Holodeck sometime in the first week of December.

This brings the Doff system, the STF's, Dilithium, Diplomacy re-scale and the whole enchilada to Holo.

There should be a couple more bug squashing builds before it hits Holodeck though.

For those Lifer's and subbies, your stipend will be starting from December and not when F2P goes live
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Hands up who else wants to try this just to see what the ships doors sound like when they open (men behaving badly) :D

joking aside, I believe they will enjoy a lot of success with this move... there is very little out there in terms of sci-fi mmorpg's of swo's calibre and fp2 is a big bait on the fishing pole for people that are giving swtor a miss, but dont care for the likes of wow/rift either
Just a couple of my ships




Tonights Tribble update has introduced the Borg ground event set on Defra.. at the moment the event is 2 hours long starting every 4 hours.

Update also had a number of bugfixes, but a number still remain.
is the lifetime sub still up for this? or is it worth a wait? - 127.951 GBP :o
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With the game going freeplay, the subs look less attractive.Heres a feature list to help you decide :-

They seem to give quite a lot away with freeplay, making it hard to justify a lifetime sub. The same with Champions Online. In contrast I felt City Of Heroes freeplay was abit too limiting (Cant craft or sell goods through the exchange).
We had been telling them that there wasn't much between Gold and Silver for a LONG while but they didn't listen.

Personally I do have Lifetime already, and I don't regret it. It does in the end depend on if you think you are going to get more than 12 months play... if so Lifetime is an option because you will get a monthly gift of points...

But that's a choice only you can make.
The game is nothing like eve online. Id say its probably 50/50 space/ground missions. There might still be a demo to try the game, or wait till january for free to play.
I'll be back on once it's gone free to play. Assume my old Admiral will still be there, but I'll be starting another from scratch just for fun :)
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